Example sentences of "[noun] may occur [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Other experimental studies have supported the idea that frost weathering is likely to be more effective in alpine and marine arctic environments , where freeze-thaw may occur diurnally , than in polar regions where freezing and thawing are predominantly seasonal phenomena .
2 Owing to the difficult political and economic situation faced by ex-USSR nations , such outbreaks may occur again .
3 The same result may occur even if the tenant does not consciously reduce his profit margin .
4 Bleeding from the small bowel may occur either from mucosal lesions or intramural lesions .
5 The fact that review may occur relatively rarely for any one agency , the fact that the agency may still be subject to pressures of time and cost which incline it towards a narrow bounded rationality , the relative strength of different interest groups pressing upon the agency , and the competence of the court to assess whether such an authority has improperly excluded a particular policy option , can all combine to limit the effectiveness of this aspect of judicial scrutiny .
6 In tropical countries , where disease due to D. viviparus may occur intermittently , the epidemiology is presumably quite different and probably depends more on pasture contamination by carrier animals such as may occur during flooding when cattle congregate on damp , high areas , rather than on the prolonged survival of infected larvae .
7 However , because of the hysteresis , there is still an intermediate zone — one in which either behaviour may occur permanently .
8 In general , then , a number of geometries are possible ; as a result the most prominent surface structures may occur above or some distance to either the north or south of the subcropping basement thrust plane .
9 Ventricular extrasystoles may occur more commonly in patients with ischaemic heart disease , and their presence may have more sinister implications .
10 The onset of puberty may occur as early as eleven or twelve and can not be reckoned as the sign of having reached adult status .
11 Between this belt and the basin margin , lagoonal sediments can be expected and beds of porous bioclastic grainstone may occur locally in this situation .
12 Common facets may occur anywhere in the schedule order ; although listed only once , they can be applied anywhere in the citation order as required to qualify appropriate concepts .
13 Note that x may occur both free and bound in P.
14 Often we may equate them with more formal partnerships which fall by the wayside after only a short existence ; except that in their breakdown the feelings of guilt , humiliation and bitterness may occur even more strongly than when an " honest " attempt is felt to have been made .
15 Fringing reefs may occur directly exposed to the sea or may form on coasts within barrier reefs : the former often have a zonation similar to barrier reefs and atolls , but the latter have no algal ridge and often very abrupt outer edges .
16 It will be seen that Viscount Dilhorne 's speech contains two clear pronouncements , first that it is no longer an ingredient of the offence of theft that the taking should be without the owner 's consent and second , that an appropriation may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken .
17 ‘ Reference was not made to Viscount Dilhorne 's ruling that appropriation may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken .
18 Rectal discharge may occur rarely as a result of infection of the back passage , but again infection of this site is usually asymptomatic .
19 Where the incidence of syphilis exceeds a certain high level , the disease becomes endemic and transmission may occur regularly in a non-sexual context .
20 It has been estimated that mild , self managed episodes may occur about twice weekly ; severe episodes without unconsciousness but requiring help from another person twice yearly ; and episodes of unconsciousness three times in 40 years .
21 However , rearrangements may occur sequentially at the TCR- β and TCR -α loci , but with a causal relationship .
22 Secondly , technical innovation may occur directly in the factory or workshop without any prior research expenditure and possibly as pure serendipity .
23 This demonstration also forcibly makes the point that chaotic motion may occur even in remarkably simple systems .
24 Basinwards of the zone of maximum thickness , a wedge of slope and basin plain sediments is present and porous dolomites may occur rarely at the foot of the mud-wedge .
25 Anorectal complications of portal hypertension may occur early in life and in a recent study of children 4.7% presenting with bleeding oesophageal varices had symptomatic rectal varices or haemorrhoids .
26 Again , the deposition of pollen is timed to suit its germination in that stigmas and anthers are synchronized , whereas the site for germination of a seed may occur randomly in time as well as space in the regenerating gaps of forest .
27 As we have seen , some genetic change may not take place at random , or events may occur more quickly than Darwin believed .
28 Sudden electrical death may occur early after blocking a coronary artery .
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