Example sentences of "[noun] could make [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The results of those studies were published on 25 September , and on the same day I announced the start of a three-month public consultation period during which interested parties could make written representations to me on the contents of the reports produced by Hydrotechnica .
2 However , since subjects could make accurate identifications of a word at this point , it follows that the cohort did not contain 29 items but only 1 .
3 The language of the statute in the Central Bank case led the court to rebut this presumption and to conclude that the Registrar of Companies could make certain binding decisions on issues of mixed fact and law .
4 What some experts would like to see is a system of reciprocity whereby companies could make international equity offerings using their home market accounting standards without the need to reconcile their financial statements to the standards of each jurisdiction in which shares are offered .
5 But the appeal of the romantic movement does not explain why those who were not party to it , such as Michael Faraday , who was a visionary and wrote beautifully , have been completely written out of conventional histories of 19th century Britain , as if he ( and David Brewster and Thomas Henry Huxley and the rest ) were just peripheral figures , keeping things ticking along so that statesmen could make grand decisions and the widening of human understanding could be left to poets .
6 The Greek and Roman pantheon honoured gods who , if adequately propitiated , could bring good fortune ; Jove could make jovial ; but these were not gods of last resort .
7 It was a surprise in both the trial schools that molecules could make mental arithmetic so popular .
8 He did accept that the effects of radiation and fall-out could make applicable the rules against poisoned weapons , gases and analogous materials .
9 Those who deal with firearms are generally aware of the attendant risks , and the days when those involved in motoring and other forms of transport could make light of the risks to life have now long passed , as various air , sea , rail , and road disasters have occurred .
10 Such regulations could make specific practices a criminal offence and the giving of specific information mandatory .
11 Election ‘ 92 : How Ashdown could make Labour sweat
12 The despised belletrist criticism of an earlier day could make radical judgements in an off-hand manner ; those articles , for instance , with titles like ‘ On Rereading Stendhal ’ , which come to the conclusion that Stendhal has been much overrated .
13 The two firms could make different adjustments for inflation .
14 For medical treatment they and their children depended upon the Poor Law or , mainly in the cities , medical charities , or upon the charity of doctors , some of whom treated poor families free of charge or ran medical clubs of their own to which poorer patients could make small contributions .
15 The study concluded that ‘ … combining free-range poultry production with trees could make free-range systems more practicable and profitable and improve the feasibility of keeping some forms of poultry in free-range systems , notably chickens for eggs and meat , and turkeys ’ .
16 Her sister , 10-year-old Claire , was amazed that people could make rude jokes and not get into trouble for it .
17 Research published by Friends of the Earth suggests that rising sea levels could make severe flooding a frequent occurrence along the south and east coast of Britain in the next century .
18 Thus a local manager could make new arrangements about National Diploma work in a school but not about a First Diploma .
19 Daak could make deep incisions in places round the edge , but he did n't have enough leverage to cut off slices of the strange metal .
20 In such a situation a serious risk might arise that two arbitration tribunals could make contrary findings , but that risk is disposed of by a remarkable provision in reg 23 allowing LCH to call for consolidation of the two arbitrations .
21 But there is one sense in which Iran and Iraq could make common cause .
22 It is obvious that a patent should not be granted for anything which is not new , which is already in the public domain , otherwise the grant of the patent could make illegal an act which was previously legal .
23 In universities , educational technologists have sometimes seemed to be suggesting that a mixture of cinema , television and self-instructional systems could make possible economies in the teacher-student ratio .
24 Rather than sending the children out when the adults want to talk , it may be that a neighbour could make sure to include them in an outing to give the child time to talk to them .
25 They feel that if the Conservatives emerge as the largest minority party on April 9 and attempt to rule alone , the Liberal Democrats could make Labour ‘ sweat ’ by keeping the Tories going , even though this would mean effectively abandoning their clear commitment to electoral reform above all else .
26 Jackie could make sure Biff was pickled and we could all sneak out together . ’
27 Ramtron claims that mass-storage FRAMs could make hard and floppy discs unnecessary in smaller computers , especially laptops , making them more compact .
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