Example sentences of "[noun] who 'd be " in BNC.

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1 His voice sounded cynical , but then he smiled , almost as if he understood the look of sudden shock on her face , as he once more became that unfriendly stranger who 'd been her brother 's best friend .
2 Since that time , little has changed on the battlefield ; with a plentiful supply of Chinese arms and money , and bases in Thailand from which to operate , the Khmer Rouge was strong enough to resist the Vietnamese , But when Vietnam pulled out last year , the stalemate was broken ; Britain and the United States who 'd been backing other less murderous guerrilla factions , began to tire of the war and withdrew their support .
3 Starring Anthony Hopkins , it was based on a book by an American journalist who 'd been one of the first people into the bunker after the allied victory .
4 Just imagine having a mummy who 'd been a Brownie Guider but who would n't let you be a Brownie !
5 ‘ T' Brownies laid yum acrost t' river one night long ago so'as an old farmwife who 'd been kind to yum could get over to her daughter 's house on t' other side without goin' miles a-down t' river t' bridge . ’
6 But when I got there I found I was in with kids who 'd been nicked for stealing or who 'd been on drugs or alcohol or glue , and girls who had been on the streets at 13 .
7 I talked to the boy who 'd been trying to help this Frome — trying to get him to vomit it up , and so on .
8 I accompanied them into the street where they rejoined the boy who 'd been standing look-out .
9 this boy who 'd been doing it a few years .
10 The newscaster then switched to a trivial item about a cat who 'd been rescued from the roof of the houses of Parliament , and Kathleen flicked off the set and threw her sandwich in the bin , her appetite gone .
11 And this was the day to do it the Women of the North lunch in Harrogate , like the Woman of the Year in London ‘ only much friendlier and more fun ’ according to a lady who 'd been to both .
12 ‘ Have what done ? ’ asked the child who 'd been listening .
13 He remembered his sporadic visits back to Taler 's Bump , the shy little girl who 'd been virtually a stranger to him , his awkward attempts at being a family man when all the time he 'd only been yearning to get back to work .
14 The trap in Sam 's boathouse kept intruding and so did Angela Brickell ; the cold threat of khaki water that could rush into aching lungs to bring oblivion and the earthy girl who 'd been claimed back by the earth , eaten clean by earth creatures , become earth-digested dust .
15 What 's more , the girl in question was the Spanish girl who 'd been the cause of his being sacked by the Shakespeare School .
16 The voice was not what I 'd have expected from a girl who 'd been playing house with a mug like Mahoney .
17 He walked away to the desk , collecting his key , and as he walked towards the lifts he flicked a quick glance back to the girl who 'd been brought up as his daughter .
18 A shadow fell across my sunny table and I looked up to find Kenneth who 'd been on a recce of the hospital , so after a lunch of ribs , skins , wings and blueberry pie , he was able to lead me through the appropriate doors of the vast , multi-entranced building .
19 Braving the cameras and the columnists , and the experts who 'd been brought in to analyse every glance and nuance of their body language , they faced the world , and slowly worked at healing the rift between them .
20 I was disillusioned with all the experts who 'd been predicting one thing or another ; they obviously did n't know any more than anybody else .
21 There was n't gon na be single parent families with three children , er living above an old age pensioner who 'd been in there from the word go .
22 The next was a city man , a former civil service clerk who 'd been in FAKOUM from the early days .
23 And when I was when I got to New York , I was met by two first cousins from two different families er Bert who 's er er nephew of my my mother 's sister Laura Anne in in New York , and another one , William who 'd been very successful vice president of or something .
24 Once in a while she went to a social club for air pilots who 'd been in hospital .
25 Yes , it 's just a plaque and erm but The thing that erm I enjoyed on that occasion was meeting the other conservationists who 'd been called up .
26 I 'm glad you do n't try to be what you are n't , ’ he said gravely , beckoning the waiter who 'd been leaning wearily against the door-jamb .
27 Personally , he just hoped it was some headcase from the funny farm up the hill who 'd been let out on parole too early with a meat axe .
28 The fifty nine year old singer who 'd been dogged by ill health died at his home in Arbroath on Monday .
29 You know Jesus has been the leader who 'd been taken away from his group , very clever tactical ploy .
30 They had a warrant to arrest her grandson who 'd been visiting the pensioner at her sheltered accommodation in Cheltenham .
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