Example sentences of "[noun] can be shown " in BNC.

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1 Most cases of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus can be shown to arise in CLO that is already present and the incidence of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagis is rising .
2 Also , a wide range of styles can be shown .
3 That is the analogue of [ 5b ] with unc Similarly , a polariser can be shown to act linearly .
4 Examples would be where the witness can be shown to be unreliable , biased or prejudiced .
5 Even from the point of view of ‘ saver ’ , let alone ‘ worker ’ , conservative/speculative management of funds can be shown to be damaging : savers ' interests lie in ensuring that when they retire , or reach a specified age , the pensions , endowments or annuities they receive will support a reasonable standard of living .
6 One reason that so few indicators can be shown is the all too frequent changes in the formulae used for allocation of elements of the GRE .
7 The criterion of distortion is that statements are made about the society which by social-scientific methods can be shown to be positively in error , whereas selectivity [ i.e. primary selectivity ] is involved where the statements are , at the proper level , ‘ true ’ , but do not constitute a balanced account of the available truth .
8 It went to the extent of stating , ‘ … the TUC could not at any stage commit itself in advance to approve or acquiesce in the methods to be adopted to reach full employment simply because those methods can be shown to be well fitted and even necessary to the achievement of that objective …
9 That problematic can not be identical to Hegel 's because both Hegel and Marx define historical time in terms of the social totality : insofar as their definitions of the social totality can be shown to differ , so also will their concepts of historical time .
10 Among those whose practice can be shown to conform to this approach , there can I think be no doubt that the most important , in contemporary social science , have been the historians of the Annales school .
11 This is a remarkable development and leads to a sharp distinction according to whether the alleged improper trading practice can be shown to be within the purview of the Treaty as affecting ‘ trade between member states . ’
12 The all-importance of song in the species recognition of crickets can be shown by another experiment .
13 This effect can be shown to reduce orbital eccentricities .
14 The relationship between par yields and spot yields can be shown using the following example .
15 Any reduction in orbital speed by the action of an additional force can be shown to lead to shrinkage of the orbit .
16 Furthermore , such short periods of ‘ directed ’ research can be shown favourably as a saving over any extended degree course in the budgets .
17 We are especially keen to attract young people so that all aspects of Medau work can be shown .
18 Some people were outstanding and became the deified men and women of the great religions , and their lives can be shown to be relevant to the conception of the Created God .
19 It could well and easily be replaced by a doctrine which has it that the surgeon 's act carries liability only if good faith and due care and skill can be shown to be lacking .
20 The Court of Appeal held that because the principle of effective protection only required that national courts should provide remedies for the protection of European rights which were as effective as the remedies available for the protection of similar rights in English law ; and since a plaintiff can recover damages against governmental bodies in English law only if a breach of private law can be shown ; and since the challenged action would not be actionable in tort in English law ; it followed that the principle of effective protection did not require that damages be available to the plaintiff as a remedy .
21 The sites and forms of these have constantly been changing , so that often what appears as a nucleated village around a green can be shown to be the last , and a relatively late , development in the landscape .
22 In his model , countries can be shown to face one of the four outcomes shown in figure 3.2 .
23 Bacteria such as Shigella and enterotoxin producing Escherichia coli can be shown in the stool by PCR .
24 The case in favour of its being a mechanism by which real memory is stored in the brain derives primarily , as I have implied , from the known role of the hippocampus in various forms of memory processes , and the fact that forms of associative LTP can be shown to occur .
25 Likewise , all the remaining senses can be shown to have instigated the arrival of appetites , the satisfactions of which were not directly necessary to survival .
26 This leaves U and M invariant but , by considering the line element ( 11.6 ) , the Ernst function Z can be shown to transform as ( 12.20 )
27 In areas of permeable rocks with sub-parallel valleys the terrace fragments on the spurs have breaks of slope both at the back and the front , and , in favourable circumstances , terraces at quite close height intervals can be shown to be distinct from each other .
28 Here , works of different kinds can be shown in spiritual unity , just as in a church a fourteenth-century painting is perfectly compatible with a baroque altar .
29 A major contribution of Weinreich , Labov and Herzog ( 1968 ) and the quantitative paradigm has been to demonstrate that heterogeneity in the speech community can be shown to be have patterns in it .
30 But it may be of interest to note , simply through the observation of some important early instruments , that different ways of playing the piano can be shown to have e– ted at the same time .
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