Example sentences of "[noun] but [verb] nothing " in BNC.

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1 Lying back on her pillows , Elinor slowly shook her head from side to side but said nothing .
2 Hamish Hamilton and I went on search for survivors but found nothing , except sea marks of crashed aircraft . ’
3 And from each fragment the light darted , white and spurting , a light that broke the dark but did nothing to dispel it .
4 Stirling 's R.A.F. confidant made arrangements for converting the aircraft but did nothing about telling any of his colleagues planning the operation .
5 Loopy Lil beamed with pleasure but said nothing as she watched Mrs Hollidaye fill her bowl to the brim .
6 Later abolitionists , most notably Thomas Mathiesen , have argued that only ‘ negative ’ reforms ( changes that may reduce the debit side of the prison 's legitimacy but add nothing to the credit side ) be encouraged .
7 The parkland and the distant country were beautifully green , but , as was usually the case , the sky was obscured by a covering of cloud which hid the sun but did nothing to lessen its heat .
8 As Anwar pointed and explained and waved at tins and packets and bottles and brushes , Changez nodded like a bright but naughty schoolboy humouring the eager curator of a museum but taking nothing in .
9 I completed a tax return but heard nothing more .
10 She sees everything in soft focus but feels nothing .
11 Astronomers in Tokyo took a picture but reported nothing visible , although they now say there was a bright object and ‘ we can not imagine how we missed it ’ .
12 ‘ Well done , Mason , ’ said the stockbroker curtly after Jack 's eagle and Jack raised his eyes to heaven but said nothing .
13 Bernadette had asked for a sign saying simply ‘ quality ’ which was very appropriate for her appearance but did nothing much to advertise what she was advising on .
14 They had a look in the river and on the banks but found nothing of course .
15 While agreeing broadly with the England manager 's summing-up of the present Brazilian team , the thought did occur that in another footballing era he could have been describing an Italian side — brilliant in breakaways but giving nothing away at the back .
16 Burglars caused £90 worth of damage but stole nothing when they broke into the Lunn Poly shop in High Street , Northallerton .
17 Burglars caused £90 worth of damage but stole nothing when they broke into the Lunn Poly shop in High Street , Northallerton .
18 Even when the referential locus of noun and adjective are the same , however , there is no general guarantee that the overall " output " , in terms of intensional entities ( and the real or potential referents to which they may correspond ) will be the same under these two ways of linking an adjective to a noun , which amount respectively to introducing a subject x identified in part through having the property F , and to introducing a subject x and saying that it has the property F. For instance , if we move from the predicative structure : ( 7 ) clouds are small to the phrase small clouds , we pass to an expression which identifies a certain group of entities but does nothing more than identify them ; whereas expression ( 7 ) identifies a quite different ( and much larger ) group of entities , and says something about them ( which , as it happens , is not true , even though small clouds certainly do exist ) .
19 Hendrique sucked in several deep breaths but said nothing .
20 ‘ Fake ’ Intermediates were students who had done the Beginners ' course but learned nothing from it .
21 The Gujerati community is fully aware of cases like that of Mrs X. Scandals such as hers are everybody 's business , but while in India or East Africa such situations would not have been tolerated , and sons would be forced to take their mothers back , in Britain the community looks on in fascinated horror but does nothing .
22 He got his redundancy money but heard nothing about his pension .
23 Sara looked at her nephew but said nothing .
24 Mr Wright 's employers , London Coaches , were represented in Court but had nothing to say .
25 Endill nodded his head but said nothing .
26 Wang Sau-leyan lowered his head but said nothing .
27 He went on through the files but found nothing else of interest .
28 I am assuming the £6M will be raised if we carry on in 1988 as we did in 1987 , improving distribution of course and encouraging people but doing nothing to undermine what individuals , churches and committees do already .
29 Tess was red with anger but said nothing .
30 What did she know of this man who was now her husband , and what was to become of them , two strangers who had begun to be familiar with each other 's bodies but knew nothing of the thoughts and emotions that lay within .
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