Example sentences of "[noun] she gave i " in BNC.

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1 She looked so like my daughter did at her age , and the pleasure she gave me compensated for the lack of time I had with her mother when she was a child .
2 The look she gave me changed from fear to disgust .
3 I was relieved to see her and encouraged by the confidence she gave me .
4 But then there was that day she gave me the brooch what she said I was n't never to forget .
5 And anyway , the first day she gave me right enough , she came round every morning with my breakfast and brought it into the lift for me .
6 See the towels she gave me the last time .
7 I can show you the memorandum she gave me . ’
8 But all the explanation she gave me was , ‘ Now yow keep away from the lads an' never let 'em kiss yer or the next thing yer know yer 'll be 'avin' a baby .
9 She had put the doll she gave me on my bed .
10 I accepted the daisy she gave me graciously and put it in the buttonhole of my jacket 's left breast pocket .
11 about it and I did n't see her for weekend she gave me her phone number , Saturday morning I gave her a bell , said I would be walking the dog if you want to join me
12 At the time she gave me the impression that she was enjoying the joke .
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