Example sentences of "[noun] as they passed " in BNC.

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1 The women glanced at the fracas and stepped delicately aside on the steps as they passed by .
2 A long-eared owl sat on a low bough overlooking the ride and watched them unblinkingly through his great eyes as they passed within a few paces .
3 When the teller announced the Magharba vote at 1235 , implying a Magharba majority , the Zuwaya immediately protested that Magharba were present who had no right to vote : after a check of identity cards some men left and they began the vote again , this time counting both groups of supporters as they passed behind their goals .
4 She led the way up a flight of stairs , shouting a greeting as they passed the entrance to the ball-scryer 's receiving room on the ground floor .
5 Jack Hammond , who was walking towards his car , smiled and raised a hand in greeting as they passed .
6 Below : Buffalo 's officers gave a rousing cheer to the Duke of Edinburgh and Lord Sterling as they passed by abroad the Royal yacht , Britannia
7 The same people who had turned a blind eye as they passed Clary in their snooty fashion , would regard this esteemed gentleman with admiration , perceiving Clarence , as a high-class citizen of Chichester .
8 Figures moving through the dark halls flickered like ghosts as they passed through these moments of light .
9 " Very friendly , are n't they ? " he said to Hazel as they passed one another .
10 He said they had gone up the Rest and Be Thankful and he had noticed a red van parked in a lay-by which had flashed its lights as they passed .
11 Mr Hall denied this and maintained his 270 new recruits had been bonded together by the ugly scenes which confronted them each day as they passed picket lines .
12 The German barrage seemed to be slackening off a bit , though the Allied guns were still firing over our positions , their shells shaking the trees as they headed toward the German trenches with a loud swish as they passed overhead .
13 Although they moved stealthily on Devraux 's instructions , great flocks of black parrots rose from the tops of the trees as they passed below , darkening the sky and filling the air with the sustained applause of their flapping wings .
14 So strong was the feeling that several times she thought she caught the tail-end of a movement as they passed by several blackened stumps and she turned sharply , expecting to see something leering evilly at them , but there was nothing .
15 There were also reports that some had jumped on the trains as they passed through East Germany , or that the numbers could have included previously uncounted children .
16 Each step seemed to take an age as they passed the forge .
17 Lucy glanced into a couple of the rooms as they passed .
18 Birds were always with them ; robins watched with bright eyes and sang as they passed ; wrens flew suddenly and low from branch to bush ; great tits rang out their bell-notes unseen from the tree-tops ; tree-creepers trickled headlong and caterwise down the creviced trunks of the oaks ; woodpeckers kept up a constant drum-rattle on the hollow branches , the sound coming now from the right , now from the left , now in front , now behind ; wood-pigeons wooed one another in secret leafy recesses , comforting , encouraging , cajoling ; rooks sprang upwards cawing into the blue sky as they passed beneath their nests ; and higher still , up towards the sun , they caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling , buzzards , kites , eagles .
19 When they were younger the boys in the streets whistled the Laurel and Hardy music as they passed .
20 Allen saw the lightning gleam on the blade of his knife as they passed and made ready to snatch at it .
21 Teased him with hints , then elaborated details of look and stance and voice as they passed between Katherine and Thomas , conjured up a possible affair , a marriage .
22 ‘ That 's it , ’ said the Headmaster as they passed by him .
23 Lionan , the dandy , was talking behind his hand to the brutal Mullach , who was gulping his beer moodily and staring at the serving maids as they passed him in a bustling procession .
24 He rattled a tin cup as they passed .
25 He roused himself wearily to exchange greetings with the elders as they passed him , and went in to his foster-father .
26 Lambert conducted them on high with an open bottle , sprinkling the couples as they passed beneath .
27 As they walked along there were smiles on all sides as they passed .
28 Without speaking he lifted his cap as they passed .
29 Lambert blinked to rid his eyes of a sudden haziness and then the German was on him , with a curiously muffled stutter that swelled and was lost in the bellow of their engines as they passed in a blaze of flashing muzzles and white-hot exhausts and shinning propeller blades .
30 Chirac did n't even know where to go while Le Barre was speaking on an empty white platform with no chairs , and when it was his turn to speak he had no chance of a good clean start because he had to shake hands with Le Barre as they passed on the stairs .
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