Example sentences of "[noun] as [pron] stands " in BNC.

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1 There is a seal from the Idaian Cave showing a priestess holding a triton shell to her lips as she stands on a step in front of an altar decked with sacral horns and sacred boughs ( title illustration , Chapter 2 ) .
2 Erm , I think probably I would support the recommendation as it stands because I do think that we need to have a trial to see if the end performance , and I very very much support the idea of the end performance , er in district .
3 And what about Stavrogin as he stands smiling , not of course a happy smile , no kind of unambiguous smile , about to enter the monastery , fingering the pages in his pocket ?
4 Although the wording of the Act suggests that it could be used in cases of abuse , it seems that there is such a general sense of unease about the law as it stands that some new and especially designed statute will be necessary for effective provision .
5 Since that can not be effectively done under the law as it stands , there must be created a new body of law of the sort that has come to be called administrative law .
6 But the comparison with the position of the citizen , on the law as it stands at present , is most unattractive .
7 We recommend that … there should be put on the statute book a ‘ definition ’ based on Lord Macnaghten 's classification , but preserving the case law as it stands . ’
8 Nevertheless , local authorities may enforce the law as it stands .
9 Will he bear it in mind that the law as it stands does great injustice and that many women are suffering life sentences that they should not be suffering ?
10 The objective is to ensure that all employees accept their individual responsibilities within the context of the law as it stands at the time .
11 The most astonishing aspect of the case was not that she had an understandable desire to disport herself in space , but that under the law as it stands a major general had to offer her an abject apology for the recruiting sergeant showing a welcome piece of common sense .
12 I mean for instance on the question of identification after 45 years it 's very difficult , I saw that in the Demianuk trial , to get satisfactory er evidence , but of course er I think British rules of evidence probably would simply mean it was excluded if that was the case , and it was fairly done and the law were n't changed and it was the law as it stands er then I 'd be in favour of it .
13 The tuba can play the whole passage as it stands in the original ( in the bottom octave , of course ) .
14 The mill has been I do n't ken how long there 's been a mill on the site there but the mill as it stands at present 's been there from eighteen sixty .
15 What I intend to deal with is the record as it stands because anybody who 's going to argue a case against the decline of of any kind of system has to put the facts as they are , not as they would wish them to be , and I would argue that the legacy , before we can do that , the legacy which we inherited as a controlling group back in 1990 , is now a matter of record I would accept .
16 Any program that receives favourable reviews from enough teachers should be considered for — distribution as it stands but on a national basis — production to a professional standard — transferability to other microcomputers — publication by national system — publication by commercial publishers .
17 The British , perhaps sensitive to intense American lobbying over the issue , want to adopt the directive as it stands .
18 John Breaux , a Louisiana senator who also sits on the Finance Committee , is too close to the president and the treasury secretary , Lloyd Bentsen , to be as outspoken as Mr Boren , but he will not vote for the BTU tax as it stands , and prefers a straightforward petrol tax .
19 The patient may have his arms and upper body supported on the treatment plinth as he stands facing it , while the physiotherapist sits on a second plinth behind him .
20 Zimerman 's , in particular , provides a memorably crystalline and trenchant communication of the score as it stands and his recording is surely among the most nobly austere , powerful and unadorned .
21 With the civil war as it stands , there is no point in fighting the government on a legal basis .
22 ‘ Leaving the Ravenscraig site as it stands is not an option — we believe the scars must be removed from the landscape and the site returned to productive use .
23 ‘ Specially Chosen Music ’ refers to particular pieces of music that have inspired a choreographer and whose score has been interpreted by the choreographer as it stands , the composer 's scheme and continuity unchanged .
24 This , in the context of pub development as it stands in 1991 , in turn suggests an irreconcilable conflict between historic pubs and the brewers ' profit motive .
25 Nevertheless , we have to concede that the evidence as it stands can not be conclusive .
26 This is a good argument as it stands but one can well imagine that it would have been pressed in terms of these hopefuls having a right to be paid if they succeeded .
27 We must allow , too , that this argument as it stands leaves our understanding untouched .
28 Now there is nothing wrong with this argument as it stands , but it is weak ; it assumes that there are other minds than our own , and argues only that we may be mistaken about their states , thinking someone to be happy when she is really sad , etc .
29 Nevertheless , even taking the argument as it stands , there does not seem to be much evidence to support it .
30 The sole justification for Mustakimzade 's argument as it stands appears to be that Taskopruzade does not in fact use either the term as in the case of Molla Fenari , or simply the term mufti , as in the case of Fahreddin Acemi , saying rather that " the headship of teaching and of fetva and the office of the kadilik fell ultimately to [ Molla Yegan ] alter Molla Shams al-Din al-Fenari " .
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