Example sentences of "[noun] do sometimes [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Doubtless words do sometimes have emotive effects , and some ethical words may have fairly standard such effects in certain communities .
2 Journalists do sometimes react against the excesses of newspaper partisanship but even on these occasions it is proprietorial and editorial power that emerges unscathed and victorious .
3 ‘ The law did sometimes make an ass of itself , ’ said Sir Nicholas Lyell .
4 The vast flocks of gulls at rubbish tips do not normally compete for food resources with other birds , but black-headed gulls do sometimes take advantage of other species ' food-finding skills .
5 For a pilot , it is perhaps one of the most agreeable settings in which to ply his profession — even though fog , gales and ice do sometimes demand the limits of his skills .
6 However , considerable earthworks do sometimes exist and these are , of course , well worth recording .
7 Companies do sometimes give incorrect details or omit them altogether on their company stationery .
8 This tactic does sometimes work , but it 's quite risky for Orcs because it ties up a lot of character points which you could well use elsewhere .
9 Modern crocodiles do sometimes straighten themselves out when running at speed , thus the movement from shoulder and hips is longer and there is a more effective stride , but it is not their normal posture .
10 Replotting data from the cumulative curve to the frequency curve shows that linear segments do sometimes coincide with recognizable sub-populations but in other cases inflexions where linear segments join also coincide with population peaks .
11 Like many others , it too had its great hall in which the classes did sometimes mingle for such festivities as Mr Lyle 's Christmas celebration .
12 Some innovative banks and overseas aid departments of OECD governments do sometimes combine finance and aid to provide low-cost financial packages for LDCs ' projects .
13 It was mentioned earlier that trainee advice workers do sometimes observe interviews carried out by experienced advisers .
14 ‘ I 'm told that earls do sometimes look like tramps .
15 Zuwaya enthusiasts of the revolution did sometimes speak of the injustice of unequal distribution of wealth , but like those who attended the Intellectual Seminar in 1970 , they had difficulty in identifying any particular groups of Libyans who suffered as a group , or who had a common interest in pursuing distributive justice : in Benghazi they said , there were Libyan workers who were oppressed , or perhaps Tripoli .
16 Er , of course er , Yeltsin does sometimes take own measures and that 's because the situation genuinely is very dangerous er and er , I think that everyone would agree that really .
17 In tracing that elusive ancestor the family historian therefore needs to be aware that long before the age of the railways people did sometimes travel long distances and that it was very common for men , women and adolescents to move within a few miles radius of their birthplace .
18 The key textbooks of sociological theories did sometimes conclude with a discussion of treatment implications , but often in the form of an analysis of existing provisions with occasional nods of approval or disapproval .
19 People do sometimes manage to leave their offices without anyone noticing . ’
20 However , erm , thinking that er , one day , er , you might marry erm , a prince or princess , Freud says is an , is an illusion , in the sense that er , people do sometimes marry princ princes and princesses , it could happen , it 's not very likely to happen to any particular individual who might have that wish , but it could happen .
21 Even so , it is worth investigating his approach in detail , since employers do sometimes make erroneous assumptions during the redundancy process which amount to acting unreasonably .
22 Unfortunately , flight delays do sometimes occur and these are beyond our control .
23 Young men do sometimes fall for older women , ’ she said .
24 The male does sometimes mate with one of the young female helpers but this , for reasons we do not understand , never seems to result in pregnancy .
25 In appropriate circumstances , and where the profit margin admits of the taking of such a risk , sellers do sometimes accept liability for economic loss , but then it is usually with some upper limit , or through the operation of a liquidated damages clause .
26 No one else rents the property , although our client does sometimes have guests to stay overnight during his weekend visits .
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