Example sentences of "[noun] that his mother " in BNC.

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1 You know Paul has lent me some very clean but very ugly old fashioned trays of the sort that people have in restaurants that his mother lent him and they 're they 're a God send !
2 Mr Frizzell , before the unfortunate episode with Betty , had been prevailed upon to donate four old , though still serviceable , tyres ; and finally the great day arrived when he backed it slowly out of the garage and drove it round to his own home in the vague hope that his mother might like to see it .
3 In seeking to seduce her , he betrays those notions of responsibility that his mother had observed so fully .
4 Some other students — but he knew from experience that his mother would want all the details , and he clearly remembered the time he had slipped out for an evening to meet a girl the only girl he had ever really liked .
5 Though Lugard later lost the simple faith of his childhood , he never lost the evangelical habit of spiritual self-scrutiny which had been so pronounced in him as a boy that his mother at one time feared that ‘ possibly ( though now in perfect health ) our Father may be about to remove him to the heavenly garner ’ .
6 Worse than that was the knowledge that his mother had found it , presumably in the loft .
7 How could a loving son bask in the radiance of divine joy , indifferent to the knowledge that his mother had been cast out ?
8 Secure in the knowledge that his mother would be fully occupied for the rest of the evening and the butler would be busy introducing the guests , Patrick pulled off his dressing down and slipped down the back stairs to the kitchen .
9 A colleague of ours described the reactions of her four-year-old son to the news that his mother was to have another baby .
10 It seemed to Joe that his mother was waiting behind the hall door for him , because no sooner had he entered the house than there she was , staring at him over the distance .
11 ‘ Do n't you think someone should go to tell Steve that his mother is not there ? ’ she said to Dagmar , as the day drew in .
12 ‘ Josh will have to put up with the life that his mother can afford to lead . ’
13 He had no doubt that his mother was in her bedroom and that if she heard him she would come into his room and it would start , he knew it would : the upbraiding of Martin , and he would n't be able to stand it without checking her .
14 There were other letters , tied together also , old letters that his mother had written in 1954 , and in a stained buff envelope there were some his father had written to her .
15 Now he had to face the possibility that his mother had combed through the cardboard boxes he had left by the dustbins , searching for things that were too good to throw away and also , perhaps , for clues about himself .
16 But then there was every possibility that his mother would get to hear of it , and he did n't want that …
17 The more he thought about schoolgirls , the more distasteful became the forty-year-old debs that his mother had lined up for him .
18 It was a story about Roundheads and Cavaliers that his mother used to read to him when he was a boy .
19 On 3 July Wolfgang wrote to Leopold that his mother was very ill with a fever , and that all the normal remedies , including those suggested by Baron Grimm 's personal physician , had had no effect .
20 Patrick had grown up in the Dublin that his mother now worked so hard to forget .
21 His adolescent distaste for Hitler was sharpened by the fact that his mother remarried to a Jew , and in 1934 he went into exile , first to France and then to England , where he settled .
22 He had a casual way of saying ‘ my mother ’ which somehow emphasised invincibly the fact that his mother was the Queen .
23 ‘ I make no comment on the account of her son , but it does seem that he concealed the fact that his mother was laying for days but it does not affect the cause of death .
24 ‘ Perhaps the fact that his mother had only recently died had something to do with it . ’
25 Mr Bayes is very interested in the BCR , due to the fact that his mother was a Kitson — a direct descendent of the family who built ‘ Carlisle ’ .
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