Example sentences of "[noun] that i realised " in BNC.

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1 It was only when I got home and looked up the dictionary that I realised what a gem it had been .
2 John , of Pontypridd , Mid Glamorgan , said yesterday : ‘ It was n't until I came to pay for a car at the auction that I realised what I 'd done .
3 It was not until I wandered back to the harbour that I realised the wind had freshened .
4 I 'd read about this technique in my books , but it was only when I did the course that I realised that , although it would work for sparrowhawks and most other hunting birds , Dawn 's hunting did not depend on speed .
5 However , it was not until she came round from behind the reception desk that I realised how huge she was .
6 It was n't until I underwent hypnosis that I realised I was still a Catholic .
7 It was at this point that I realised ( never having even seen one caught before ) that I did n't have a clue about how to handle one .
8 I felt wonderful , and it was at that moment that I realised that if I started taking my athletics seriously , if I started training properly , if I started listening to Ron , then maybe I could do something in the sport .
9 It was only as I read your article that I realised my husband had n't been receiving an allowance for a dependant — me !
10 It was only on re-reading Szasz that I realised I had been touched on a sensitive spot — the struggle for individual identity — and that that spot was central to the problem of anorexia nervosa .
11 It was only when friends accused me of being a pompous , humourless prat that I realised it was meant as a joke .
12 It was only when I started to receive my magazine that I realised just how courageous the lifeboat crews are .
13 ‘ It was not until I saw how Messer Bartolomeo 's news was received by your friends that I realised its importance for you . ’
14 It was just as I was sitting down in the living room with my cup of coffee that I realised I 'd left my bag on the train .
15 Of course , ’ he added with a twisted smile , ‘ it was n't until your last day in the office that I realised you were under the impression that it was I who 'd had the affair with Elise . ’
16 For example , when Perk disappeared she was wearing a yellow dress and it was only after the second time that I realised the significance of Gail ( Perk 's older sister ) finding a yellow ribbon in Mr Elder 's ( the lodger ) drawer .
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