Example sentences of "[noun] that have gone " in BNC.

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1 Manners that have gone by the board
2 But on the other hand private care suffers from not being part of the mainstream thinking that has gone in to helping to move away from those bad practices and towards better practices in the statutory services and I think that these are the things that we really have to try and address .
3 It 's like this people th they 're deep sea divers and they discover , they 're stuck in the crevice , a big erm nuclear submarine and what it 's for is an experiment that 's gone wrong and it it 's to make and instead they make an abomination you know , incredibly powerful and intelligent but really nasty you know , murderous and killer and so they take they take him to these people .
4 Rory leapt back , staggered on legs that had gone half to sleep , and only just scrambled into the broom cupboard and got the door shut before the bedroom door opened .
5 Erm well i it can be quite nice cos you okay , you we you 're speaking to parents and that who 've had kids that have gone and died you 're not actually dealing with the kids themselves .
6 When Nathan ordered her to set up and engage the auto-helm she tried , desperately searching a mind that had gone totally blank for the sequence which would ensure that the boat remained on course .
7 Well I do it probably was actually but it was the switch that had gone , maybe lightning had hopped across the switch , yeah , but erm , that 's all it was it was the switch , but er , I mean the thing is it went wrong and they had to pay for it , okay it 's only a tenner to have it done , but it , if a C D player , I mean if the carriage goes , you know , sixty , seventy quid , you know I 'm buying these electrical things , it 's , because it 's a burg lock , I can buy them , get them a warranty with it an'all , then it 's took the burden off them .
8 Well , when he came out I thought it were er tape heads that had gone .
9 But now we go around farms , nobody ever ask us if we want a cup of tea that 's gone out of out of practice now .
10 ( d ) The massive body of historical research that has gone on throughout this century has gradually discovered new sources of information and refined our views of the early modern period , in all probability bringing them closer to the objective truth .
11 This brief contribution simply highlights the lack of research that has gone into the social , cultural and linguistic needs of the adult minorities .
12 We 're against all the stupid surfing talk that 's gone on . ’
13 Will he reflect on the fact that one of the most unpleasant duties of the Northumbria police is having to drag the mangled bodies of motorists from cars that have gone into ditches alongside the A1 while on their way to Scotland ?
14 I think there 've been one or two not er brush ups you know in the pubs once er or twice , they er they wo n't drink with them and that and er some of the lads some of the lads that have gone back have really realized the situation they 've put themselves in you know , and they sorry and now they 're on they do n't know which way to turn .
15 Well all th all these lads that have gone back , they were having a hell of a life in the town of course .
16 Ken Wilson , of the Emmaus fellowship in Ann Arbour , Michigan is not ashamed to give clear step-by-step models for how to pray for relationships that have gone wrong .
17 I suddenly thought that on the advert that 's gone in
18 On the advert that 's gone in I did wonder whether to put please respond by such and such a date ?
19 Back at the scene of the burglary , I can remember thinking next , ‘ Oh well , I suppose I can re-wrap some of the parcels that have just been torn open ; I suppose I could use cash instead for some of the presents that have gone ; there is some way that I can cope with this . ’
20 Well , I , I , I think it depends on the skill and the industry that has gone into the enterprise , but in itself it could be extremely interesting .
21 One harbours superior thoughts as to just where and in what circumstances her hosts can have possibly imagined her wearing such things , until one recalls that only seconds before one was counting the endless number of stoats ' tails that have gone into the making of the coronation robe .
22 All the development aid that has gone to many third world countries comes back twofold and threefold through interest payments on the debt , underpayment for commodities and the over-profitability of multinational corporations .
23 In the fourteenth century there seems to have been an unfortified village on the site , but by the end of the thirteenth even that had gone .
24 Most schools that have gone grant maintained have declined to use the D S O. Now my concern is , erm that we 're not actually , when we come and compare with the outside world , we 're not actually giving the service that we may think we are .
25 When you consider the relentless quest for the luxury that has gone into each and every one , the cost of purchasing such a lodge does not seem excessive .
26 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
27 It was perhaps no wonder that his ‘ quiet , nice ’ wife had hair that had gone white by the time she was thirty .
28 I think , Bill , really you far be it for me to try and teach you your job , but you ought to have perhaps gone back a little bit and wondered why we were all in this position , because you have us in year after year talking about budgets that are made and budgets which improve services , and and we need to be absolutely clear that this budget does not improve services at all , that this budget does very severe damage to services , that the budget that has gone through the Council identifies nearly eight million pounds taken off service provision erm and that can not be done under the Conservatives by making erm a budget with the Liberal Democrats have proved that it ca n't be done , in spite of their previous comments , without pain to services .
29 Despite all the hype , hate and hysteria that has gone before , something magical and mysterious can still be heard shuffling around in the dark , and this celebration is the spotlight that picks it out .
30 Cos we need to cos we need to sort of all hands to the pump next week cos we 've got a big change-over Yeah but I know ink well no cos the leaflet he 's got has only just been approved and it 's going out next week yeah well I mean you 're to ha you 're to handle their enquiries er deal with their enquiries and then tell them to phone yeah yeah yeah but you see it 's the mailing that 's gone out and and then he 's got to do some advertising first two weeks in Feb .
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