Example sentences of "[noun] for education [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had also been taking up quite a lot of time for public service , chairing the National Gas Consumers ' Council , and also , more relevantly , working under Richard Hoggart who was chairing the Advisory Council for Adult and Continuing Education , which had a remit to develop national policies for education as a process continuing throughout life .
2 The Government has changed its plans for education including the abandonment of league tables of test results for seven and fourteen-year-olds .
3 In addition to its indirect funding of schools through local authorities , and its direct funding of higher education , the government provides some direct funding for education through various departments in addition to the Department of Education and Science and the Welsh Office — the Home Office , the Department of the Environment and the Department of Employment .
4 A largely consolidating Act , this incorporated measures enacted separately during the 1960s and 1970s , and reaffirmed the legal framework for education in Scotland .
5 The Education Reform Act 1988 abolished the ILEA with effect from 1 April 1990 and transferred the responsibility for education to each of the thirteen inner London councils .
6 Demonstrations continued into Jan. 11 despite an announcement by Souflias that the government was withdrawing all the new education discipline measures and allocating substantially more money for education in the budget .
7 Her initiatives led to the creation in 1930 of the Townswomen 's Guilds ; the founding , with Sir Ernest Simon ( later first Baron Simon of Wythenshawe , q.v. ) , of the Association for Education in Citizenship , 1934 ; and the launching of the Children 's Minimum Committee , 1936 , to campaign for better standards of care and nutrition .
8 The only possible arts organization , the National Association for Education in the Arts ( NAEA ) , was seen as too diffuse in its objectives and interests , and too uncertain in its arts educational stance to be useful in this respect .
9 Hence , in recent years , we have witnessed the publication of the Gulbenkian Report , the report by the APU Working Party on Aesthetic Development , and the setting up of various national arts organizations , such as the National Association for Education in the Arts , all of which have argued the philosophical justification for arts education .
10 Following on from the 1988 Education Act , government has introduced a very ambitious programme for education through its National Curriculum and testing schemes .
11 The present position is especially unsatisfactory ; instability and uncertainty follow the imposition of a major government programme for education without adequate consultation and in the face of substantial calls for modification .
12 One way in which this has been achieved is by devising larger units for education in which physical geography is more closely allied with other earth and environmental sciences as noted by Clayton ( 1980a ) .
13 They now recognised that their plan to send some intelligent lads for education in farriery to such continental schools would be at best a rather feeble stopgap measure , while in any case the revolutionary situation in France was not favourable to the original Odiham plan .
14 Instead , there has been a pressure for community homes for education for young black people who have been made the subject of care orders because of their offending .
15 Exploiting opportunities for education of people of all ages and in various settings ( home , school and workplace ) is probably the main way in which nurses can contribute to the collective effort to prevent injury and ill-health which is caused by accident , fire , infection and pollution .
16 A non-competitive literacy test ( in Sesotho ) is recommended to be taken at the end of the first cycle or any time thereafter prior to the final examination since mastery of literacy skills is seen as the first priority in primary school education in Lesotho — ‘ if learners are to profit from further opportunities for education in or out of school . ’
17 Well , Bob Morgan , you 're the spokesperson for education on the Liberal Democrat side .
18 Jack Steer is the spokesperson for education on the Labour benches , and Harvey Markovitch is a Governor at the Banbury School .
19 The tendency in many rural areas for education to be organised centrally , removing children progressively from their home environment as they become older , may have economic justification , but reinforce children 's alienation from rural life .
20 Norman Lindop , as Chairman of the Committee for Education at this stage , considered that the Council had been placed in an impossible position by the sudden introduction of a new range of institutions ‘ and the need for urgent action to solve problems externally created ’ .
21 At a meeting of the Committee for Education in October 1979 , ‘ there was a feeling that the boards were beginning to develop ‘ identities ’ of their own , separate to that of the Committee' .
22 The committee urged that the emphasis should henceforth be on the special needs for education of certain groups of children — those with learning difficulties — rather than on various categories of handicap .
23 It is also a useful place for education in secondary preventive measures to reduce the risk of further infarction .
24 In the late 1980s , the need for education about the dangers of transmitting the AIDS virus justified a degree of public explicitness which would have been unthinkable in previous decades .
25 There was an increased awareness of the need for education at all levels , rising levels of literacy — though they are still relatively low - and , while the economy was expanding , a demand for skills .
26 The report identifies key tasks as the provision of clean water and sanitation to the poorest , and emphasizes the need for education for women to help combat poverty and curb population growth .
27 He saw the need for education in most of the small towns , and in Ambleside suggested plans for the employment of the workless .
28 This has lead to a recognition of the need for education among the adults of the community , in the form of horticultural skills , which they will obtain from College of Agriculture advisers and the Highlands and Islands Development Board .
29 We can now turn to assessing the value of these ideas for education in general and clinical teaching in particular .
30 Merribell Parsons , at that time assistant director for education at the Metropolitan ( she now directs the Columbus Museum of Art in Ohio ) , Everett Fahy , Christian Prevost-Marcilhacy from the Monuments Historiques de France , and many others .
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