Example sentences of "[noun] i told they " in BNC.

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1 Very hard , very hard I told the lads I told 'em the union about it what he done that day .
2 Friendship is more important than mountaineering , and so for their sakes I told them they 'd done very well and we turned back to the prospect of a more leisurely Sunday afternoon , with colour supplements , cats , coffee and carpets to lie on .
3 Last night I told them over there to screw it up to two million dollars or I 'm out .
4 ‘ Some friends who were with me on holiday in Romania talked about the idea and when they contacted me this year saying they were going to do the ride I told them I was more than willing to join them , ’ said Karen , who teaches at Applegarth Primary School , Northallerton .
5 By some instinct I told them … about the lost and degraded womanhood of England , the hosts of young girls slain in body and soul … met with at night in our terrible streets .
6 In my message I told them that I was going to fly close to the control tower to see if they could tell me what was wrong with my port wheel , but again no reply from control .
7 In the end I told them , and they shut up .
8 Someone enquired as to the price of the SB305 whilst I was playing it ; to their great surprise I told them £395 , but I 'm sure I could have put a ‘ 1 ’ in front of that figure and it would n't have raised an eyebrow .
9 ‘ This time I told them I was available but , quite frankly , I have n't been asked , ’ he says .
10 ‘ During my visit I told them I would be extremely surprised if they were not granted asylum and offered my help if they have any problems . ’
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