Example sentences of "[noun] i go to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When a show in town catches my fancy I go to it .
2 Second of March I go to hospital .
3 But I belong to the Derby dog training club and also Sheila I go to training .
4 Well do you know , when I met , I , I 'm meeting old chaps through this very excellent marriage agency , I 've never expected any thing like it , they are marvellous , and the sent me a nice old lad , but I knew I was onto a looser when he said , of course I go to my daughter-in-law every Saturday for lunch , she absolutely insists because she says , she wants to make sure that I 'm eating properly , now this is a very healthy old man with a very good income who could afford to buy any food he wants and the fact of the matter is his that he 's son is probably not , he does n't want to upset his old dad , and it 's handy to have him to come on Saturday for lunch and be done with it as it were , but I thought surely Bernard your own sense would tell you that nobody want 's their old father and father-in-law every Saturday of their life , for lunch oh .
5 I could take that tape to some of the houses I go to , but every other word they use is an F word !
6 She come off the phone and she said , bloody hell she said that one of the rare times I go to the trouble of making myself butties for dinner , cos usually she gets a pasty or something , and I get invited out for dinner , you this Viv er , a friend of hers , you know the one that was having trouble with all that drainage underneath the
7 Whatever club I go to , I 'll have to do it .
8 But honestly this slimming club I go to , honestly it 's really good .
9 On Thursdays I go to music lesson and erm , we have this singing contest erm , we come second out of the first years , and we sung Mole in a Hole .
10 ‘ There 's a Scottish guy in this bakery I go to and he tells me they love me in Scotland .
11 So now if I need a ‘ new ’ piece of equipment I go to a reputable second-hand wood working machinery dealer .
12 Er I do a plug the alb of the album Midnight Postcards we call it , I 'm plugging that now until Christmas , promoting that er on television and radio , and I er in between I go on a short holiday to Africa and then January I start Alfie until May , and then I think I 'm gon na do a T V movie or a movie in June July , and then in end of July I go to America for four four till the end of November with Alfie .
13 ‘ For the moment I go to my office , and you — ? ’
14 Do you want me to change the place I go to ?
15 Asked in Tuesday 's programme what he does to relax after a match , Mungall replied : ‘ These days I go to the Sponsors Lounge to collect the Man of the Match champagne ! ’
16 Every day I go to him , pretending you 're with me .
17 About twice a week I go to lunch with a friend , and again about twice a week I have someone to lunch here .
18 I have to respect the woman I go to bed with . ’
19 you do sometimes these are the best Morroc 's , but , same , the stall I go to does n't stand on Tuesdays only Wednesdays and Fridays and Saturdays , here are
20 Well every domestic I go to , I look at as a potential murder .
21 Bridal Fairs I go to , we have to pay either a fee for going or put an advert in .
22 If I want a T-shirt I do n't go to any pile I go to the hangers .
23 ‘ If I want to hear a preacher I go to church , it 's a matter of personal choice .
24 Every time I go to Cambridge I come back depressed as hell ; then as soon as I am back to a Norfolk class spirits soar again .
25 Every time I go to sleep I do n't know what 's gon na happen .
26 EVERY time I go to the Post Office , there 's a queue .
27 You learn just as much in the corridors , in the bars , in the grounds , talking to your colleagues , fuelling each other 's enthusiasm and I certainly , every time I go to that college , I come back home full of renewed hope , fire and passion .
28 I was told they know how to honour their dead in the Highland regiments but the next time I go to Edinburgh I will gaze up at Dad Tam , and see both of my sons in that solid likeness ( despite the Kitchener moustache ) .
29 The only thing they do n't ask is what time I get up in the morning and what time I go to bed at night .
30 It 's the last time I go to fucking France .
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