Example sentences of "[noun] on such matter " in BNC.

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1 Thus it is currently carrying out an environmental audit which will guide its policies in future on such matters as the use of energy , water purification , and fertilisers .
2 Nor did the agency consult a commission of independent scientists set up by Congress with the specific task of advising the EPA on such matters .
3 We gained ready access to heads ' thinking on such matters , especially in the sample schools .
4 In international relations there would be an era of ‘ growing cooperation ’ between capitalism and socialism , leading towards a synthesis which would combine the best features of both ( Lenin 's formulations on such matters , he suggested , were ‘ not always satisfactory ’ ) .
5 The laird there himself , a brother of Netherby the chief , gave them God-speed most civilly , once across , the fact that they were Scots invading English soil seemingly holding no significance for him , Borderers keeping an open mind on such matters .
6 Wensley ( 1981 ) says that management must decide how much effort should be exerted on CAPM compared to the strategic analysis of competitive advantage , but the position adopted here is that the two concepts are related and that effort on one ought to improve understanding of the other , even if little research on such matters has yet been performed .
7 Since a measure 's legal basis in the Treaty of Rome can influence the voting rules applied in the Council , legal disputes on such matters may call for resolution by the European Court .
8 This must and inevitably will change as society develops in its outlook on such matters .
9 LEAs and school governors were required to provide information to parents on such matters as criteria for admission , exam results , curriculum , discipline and organisation .
10 It goes something like this : ‘ It is all very well to exhort people to behave properly in their personal relationships but law on such matters is unenforceable .
11 As he is an expert on such matters , the hon. Gentleman knows better than I that public prosecutions in Scotland are a matter for the Lord Advocate .
12 Ali was an expert on such matters .
13 The Link helps facilitate a dialogue on such matters with Government Ministers , MPs , statutory authorities and others with a serious interested in the countryside .
14 The tribunal must make an initial determination on such matters but its decision is not conclusive .
15 He can be a ‘ character ’ , a source of quaint rustic humour or homespun rural philosophy on such matters as the seasons and the weather , but he is rarely expected to be either forward-thinking or ‘ forward ’ in his demeanour .
16 However , it seems likely that the open expression of opinion on such matters coming to the ears of the SD informants was over-representative of the overtly nazified section of the population .
17 This committee would have ( a ) encouraged trust and co-operation between unionists and nationalists , developing a practical basis on which north and south could implement joint action on issues of common interest ; ( b ) initiated studies on matters of mutual interest or misunderstanding and ( c ) consulted with heads of departments and their officials on such matters .
18 The Royal Commissions and official committees of inquiry have maintained a reticence on such matters that has at times made their recommendations Appear naïve — as if one could consider the reorganisation of Political institutions in isolation from politics !
19 Furthermore , when considering what information was produced for outside agencies , the aggregation of statistics on such matters as resident dependency levels seemed to offer some potential for improvement .
20 We agreed on the use of Gordon Ingles for another commercial film and Leon suggested I could make any necessary further contact on such matters directly with Hellen who was apparently designing film sets , writing scripts and sometimes directing Shelly productions .
21 Naturally the purchaser should be alert to any signals from the vendors on such matters .
22 The educational establishment likes to keep up an old-fashioned mystique on such matters , and I believe that that establishment is one of the problems we face .
23 One source of authority on such matters was also royalty .
24 The flock receives virtually no historical background from its shepherd — who is believed to be the definitive authority on such matters .
25 The Revenue nowadays liaises closely with the Commission on such matters and , in the absence of any other information , is likely to conclude that the organisation carries on other activities which are not strictly defined as charitable , eg political lobbying and campaigning etc .
26 Does he agree that it is desirable that today 's events in Maastricht might lead to future improved co-operation on such matters by the European Community which may , in the end , lead to a reduction in the genocide in that country ?
27 I do not believe that Maastricht will be the ultimate summit on such matters .
28 The Council for the Protection of Rural England ( CPRE ) acts as the nation 's independent guard dog on such matters and has major doubts as to the benefit of these proposals should they become law .
29 The Institute worked closely with other professional and representative bodies on such matters .
30 Does he understand that , while he may postpone or prevent debate on such matters in the House , outside he will be called upon to justify his incompetence ?
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