Example sentences of "[noun] to be draw " in BNC.

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1 • Plus there are 1,000 free samples of Invisible Sunscreen ( 3ml ) and Moisturising Tinted Day Cream ( 5ml ) for the next 1,000 entries to be drawn .
2 We have some 20 copies of these promos for disposal , so if you feel life wo n't be the same without one , just jot down the title of Moz 's latest solo album on a postcard and wing it to : Maybe one of the first 20 correct entries to be drawn from the office Christmas sock will be yours !
3 The closing date for entries is 14 January 1993 , after which a draw will be held and the first three correct entries to be drawn will receive the prize of a year 's free Friends membership plus the book of your choice .
4 There is an analogy to be drawn here with Nizan 's trip to Aden .
5 Contrary to some reports it does not automatically open the way for the social chapter to be drawn into British law .
6 Cross-reference to other areas of study to be drawn on in completing the assignment ( as appropriate ) and the methods by which integration will be achieved .
7 The first correct entry to be drawn at random will be notified by phone and the Guitarist carrier pigeon will do the rest .
8 There is no real momentum to be drawn from the structure , other than the poor teacher pushing it along .
9 There was no deep pool of directorial talent to be drawn on , even though television was about to produce such interesting new faces as John Boorman and Ken Russell ; there was no genre of pictures , outside the Hammer films , which had international appeal .
10 It can be argued , to the contrary , that the more the courts are opened up to arguments based about the interests of the public or of significant sections of it rather than of particular individuals , the more likely are the judges to be drawn into political battles which ought to be resolved in the political arena and not in courts .
11 Surely , however , there are lines to be drawn , and it is not only remarkable , but worrying , to find that someone in such a responsible position can argue that the tobacco industry provides a neutral form of sponsorship .
12 If this is the first plan to be drawn up , this will probably be sufficient matter for one meeting ; in subsequent years it will be possible to proceed more quickly .
13 Upon the introduction of a new institution it is commonplace for analogies to be drawn with existing institutions .
14 ‘ This has obviously now been rectified but it is symptomatic of Labour 's reluctance to be drawn on the issue …
15 Whereas pity has to overcome a reluctance to be drawn into subjective awareness of another 's suffering , cruelty welcomes it .
16 So what are the implications to be drawn from our study with regard to the implementation of the National Curriculum ?
17 The implications to be drawn , however , are less obvious .
18 There are a number of implications to be drawn from this observation which have relevance for the context of data .
19 Nevertheless there is a distinction to be drawn between the value we must ascribe to language and that which we ascribe to art .
20 The crucial distinction to be drawn within the curriculum is , as I have argued , not between arts and sciences but between the practical and the theoretical .
21 One might reasonably have expected , therefore , that the one historical event for which Panama is known ( and there is a clear distinction to be drawn here between an event and an accomplishment , for obviously the Canal is Panama 's best-known triumph and has become its own memorial ) should be remembered in an impressive construction , no matter how far from anywhere or how difficult of access the site may be .
22 I do not mean that there is not a valid distinction to be drawn between sense and sentence ; only that it is a mistake to think of the sense of an utterance as though it were something existing alongside the utterance but in the ethereal medium of the mind .
23 I think there is a very important distinction to be drawn between the first , which is unnecessary and demeaning , and the second , which is necessary and useful .
24 There is a distinction to be drawn here between simplifications and assumptions .
25 There is , in other words , no neat or clear distinction to be drawn between political equality and social and economic equality .
26 Is there any distinction to be drawn between the words required to be spoken by a constable ( a ) acting pursuant to section 7(3) of the Act and ( b ) acting pursuant to section 8(2) thereof , after the suspect has been told , in the latter case , of his right to claim that the breath specimen taken from him should be replaced by a blood or urine specimen ?
27 ‘ In our judgment there is an important distinction to be drawn between discretionary and mandatory life sentences .
28 In contrast with earlier discussions and orders , which treated all " Cossacks " and " Russians " as an entity , it certainly allows for some distinction to be drawn between those who were liable for repatriation and those who were not — hence , for instance , the ruling that the White Russian Schutzkorps was to be excluded .
29 However , there is a distinction to be drawn between those and some of the speculative campaigns .
30 There is a distinction to be drawn between an evacuation of the kind that we may see tonight in Dubrovnik and an interdiction naval force designed to prevent , for example , the shelling of Dubrovnik by Yugoslav gun boats .
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