Example sentences of "[noun] to death with " in BNC.

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1 The prisoner is serving life for blasting his former girlfriend to death with a sawn-off shotgun because she knew too much about his underworld dealings .
2 During the last match , the Husayn twins had nearly beaten the Bosnian refugee to death with the stumps after he had refused to accept a boundary decision .
3 He battered 43-year-old Jane to death with a bottle at their £275,000 weekend home at Middleton-on-Sea , Sussex .
4 A GANG of 10 men bludgeoned a mother-of-three to death with pickaxe handles and baseball bats after she was warned to stop throwing wild parties .
5 Wade John Frankum , 33 , hacked a 15 year-old girl to death with a machete before rampaging through the shopping complex firing randomly at bystanders .
6 ‘ I am told that … the novice stabs the child to death with invisible blows .
7 For although there was work here , there had never been enough to supply the desperate horde which had applied for it , choking this ancient heart of the town to death with its demands for air and space and water , overwhelming its sanity resources , clogging its sewage channels , fouling its canal , draining its reservoirs .
8 A woman batters her husband to death with a coffee pot which she forever after keeps in her shopping bag .
9 ‘ The Crown 's case is that on the morning of 31 October , 1991 , in a storeroom at the rear of their home , he clubbed his young wife to death with a lump hammer . ’
10 The Kinzoku Bat Murderer , for instance , bludgeoned his mother and father to death with a baseball bat in the early Eighties .
11 A SON jailed last year for blasting his sadistic and tyrannical father to death with a shotgun lost his appeal against his four-year sentence yesterday .
12 A MAN who hacked his father-in-law to death with a Samurai sword in a row over drugs was yesterday jailed for life .
13 She stabbed Ben to death with a pair of dress-making scissors and then tried to kill herself .
14 This flightless , quarter-ton relative of the Australian emu has a head like a monstrous purple turkey , runs through the undergrowth in small bands , and has been known to kick a man to death with its six enormous taloned toes .
15 TWO men who battered a man to death with hockey sticks after he shouted racist taunts at them walked free from the High Court in Glasgow yesterday .
16 A MAN who bludgeoned two youths to death with a baseball bat was jailed for life at the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday .
17 Michael Maddison is led away in handcuffs from the High Court yesterday after being jailed for life for bludgeoning two youths to death with a baseball bat
18 It could almost have been dead already : a passive progression from birth to death with no awareness of life at all .
19 ‘ The child peered inside and with an expression of profound disdain stamped the scorpions to death with his bare feet . ’
20 A barmaid who cudgelled her landlord boyfriend to death with a beer flagon has been sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment ( suspended ) .
21 As fighting on board goes first one way and then the other , the captain strikes Thomas Fox to death with a belaying pin in an access of rage because the boy , genuinely unaware of the seamen 's plotting and almost insensible after hours at the masthead in icy weather , does not give him the names of the conspirators .
22 JEALOUS Jason Osborne bludgeoned his sleeping brother to death with a mallet in a row over girls , a court heard yesterday .
23 I shall spend the next several years drinking decaffeinated coffee and swapping babygros with other NCT mothers while my partner bores his colleagues to death with intestinal flora between games of squash .
24 A Tottenham teenager beat his stepfather to death with a cricket bat after an argument about mess caused by his puppies .
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