Example sentences of "[noun] of negotiations [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In all three jurisdictions the authorities can , and do , seek binding undertakings from firms in respect of their market conduct , and can order structural remedies ( either formally or as a result of negotiations with the firms involved ) .
2 We have received recently , from the Department of Transport , a consultation document which is the result of negotiations with the European Commission officials and which proposes certain relaxations in the proposed legislation .
3 ( This strike action was suspended late on May 27 as a result of negotiations between strike leaders and Solidarity chairman Lech Walesa . )
4 As David O'Sullivan reports from Johannesburg , the crisis comes as the A N C debates the future of negotiations with the government .
5 Effect of negotiations on Tokyo gubernatorial campaign
6 The announcement followed almost 15 months of negotiations between Brooke , the political parties and the Irish government .
7 Fourteen months of negotiations between the Philippines and the United States were concluded on July 17 when the two sides agreed upon the terms of a new treaty which allowed the US military to continue to use its huge naval base at Subic Bay for a further 10 years after the expiry of the current lease .
8 After months of negotiations between the Russian , Chilean and German authorities the former East German leader , Erich Honecker , was flown on July 29 from Moscow ( where he had lived in the Chilean embassy since December 1991 — see pp. 38687-88 ; 38782 ) to Berlin where he was imprisoned .
9 The alliance is the product of months of negotiations between the two parties , which fielded rival candidates in the regional elections last March .
10 The constitution , the product of 21 months of negotiations between representatives of Andorrans and the co-princes , maintains the principality 's unique system of co-sovereignty , but with vastly reduced powers .
11 The move follows six months of negotiations during which the City of London , which owns some of the land on which the polytechnic is built , stuck out for a rent that one expert said was three times the market value ( New Scientist , 6 January , p 7 ) .
12 Li 's visit to Indonesia on Aug. 6-11 concluded several months of negotiations on restoring diplomatic relations [ see pp. 37612-13 ] .
13 The violence had placed severe strains on the ANC 's relationship with the government over the issue of perceived police partiality towards Inkatha supporters , and had delayed the holding of negotiations on a post-apartheid constitution .
14 Finance ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) and European central bank governors held an informal meeting in Luxembourg on May 11 as part of negotiations on economic and monetary union ( EMU ) under way since December 1990 [ see pp. 37905-06 ] .
15 Israel had sought his release as part of negotiations for the freedom of Western hostages held in Lebanon .
16 TV payment is a vital part of negotiations over boxers ' fees .
17 Ministers discussed the progress of negotiations under way since October 1990 on an EC-GCC free trade area .
18 Law consulted Lansdowne on all matters of importance , kept him informed of the progress of negotiations over Ulster , but found him difficult to convince of the merits of compromise .
19 Hence they have linked Anselm 's only positive action in the whole sequence of events with the progress of negotiations between the king and the pope .
20 Sir Derek is expected to give further details of the progress of negotiations at today 's shareholders ' meeting .
21 It is apparent that the influence of the trades unions was highly significant , both at the level of negotiations with individual employers and through their influence on government policy .
22 The South African Law Commission would be asked to report on the protection of the rights of citizens , " as well as all collective units , associations , minorities and nations " , in a future constitution , by examining a variety of constitutional models ; this investigation would be used in support of negotiations on a new constitution [ see below ; see also p. 36915 for recommendations of Law Commission working paper of March 1989 ] .
23 Re-writing the partnership agreement will not be a practicable exercise in larger firms , although in certain circumstances it may become necessary , eg if in the course of negotiations with a new partner some hitherto unsuspected inadequacy is revealed .
24 Native and European made maps were both used in the course of negotiations between natives and whites .
25 It can not be overstressed that the purchaser and vendor should continue to consider the need for approvals and clearances throughout the course of negotiations as a change in the terms of the transaction may trigger the relevant legislation which regulates anti-competitive practices , mergers and the creation or expansion of monopolies .
26 Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services .
27 The texts of these documents , the products of negotiations with Baker and US officials over previous weeks , were not published , although their general contents had featured in numerous press reports .
28 There sellers and buyers , sometimes after hours of negotiations with the aid of the mediatore — men like Signor Grignaffini , who well knew the value of the bestiame in question — would eventually agree on a price .
29 Gorbachev announced on July 24 that , after 12 hours of negotiations with delegations from nine of the Soviet Union 's fifteen republics , work on the draft Union Treaty had been completed .
30 He gave himself up this morning after eleven hours of negotiations with police .
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