Example sentences of "[noun] be properly [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 What is absolutely essential is that the integrity of each of the religions are properly preserved when they are taught .
2 Second , the role of the Careers Officer will be important in ensuring that Compact vacancies are properly communicated to young people , and in monitoring Compact jobs to ensure that they offer employed status , quality training and career progression .
3 It is all very well for us to say that we must ensure that prisoners are properly employed , but when the unemployment figures increase every month in the east midlands , there is resentment and resistance to prison inmates engaging in meaningful work as such work would probably take away jobs outside the prison .
4 And they can make sure that the wishes are properly carried out .
5 As a result they have contributed to the public consultation process which accompanies the development of such plans , and have always sought to ensure that local planning policies are properly implemented in relation to the assessment of individual applications .
6 And what would one have made of Miss Adeane , Gemma wondered , had her talents been properly nurtured from the start ?
7 If semantics is taken to include all Conventional aspects of meaning , then perhaps most deictic phenomena are properly considered semantic .
8 As with so many diseases and parasite problems , it can be disregarded providing new Koi introductions are properly quarantined .
9 My hon. Friend is right to raise those issues and to seek to be satisfied that the proposals are properly examined and fully justified .
10 Audit regulation by the Institute , so the argument goes , is costly for the firms registered , intrusive , divisive , and , above all , does little to reassure the public that audits are properly conducted .
11 ‘ Of course , ’ the Pastor said , ‘ of course , the State may properly demand our obedience in many matters : obeying its laws — if the laws are just ; making us pay taxes — if the taxes are properly spent ; supporting its policies — if the policies are wise .
12 Whether it is the purchaser 's accountants or the vendor 's accountants who prepare the first draft , the other party 's accountants should have access to their working papers if the rules are properly negotiated .
13 He is responsible for planning and control of the project , and for ensuring that cost estimates and project schedules are realistic , that time and money are properly budgeted between functional departments , and that the staff is doing a good job .
14 If the key and password are properly authenticated and used in connection with an encryption and algorithm , an erroneous transmissions should be clearly evident because it would not be readable by the recipient as a result of the failure of the process of message decryption .
15 I think it 's a great start to make sure we can help ostrich farmers and others to understand the difficulties of ostrich farming and to make sure these birds are properly protected .
16 The greatest fear of the opposition groups now is that the ruling parties will try to appease them and rush ahead with calling free elections before the opposition groups are properly organised .
17 Religious apologists have often argued that when science and religion are properly understood , they can be in perfect harmony .
18 But it 's your responsibility to see that your successors are properly groomed to take over .
19 It is not the purpose of this book to provide a history of coinage , however brief , but rather to focus on the methods by which coins are studied , for only when these methods are properly understood and applied can we realise the full potential of coins as an aid to interpreting the past .
20 I wish to ensure that environmental considerations are properly taken into account .
21 What most Directors of Social Services are worried about is that the group of children that we 're now finding in children 's homes , are so disturbed , because of their past family backgrounds er and so , so problematic er with their behaviour , er that they 're now concerned to make sure that the children 's homes of the future are properly geared up to deal with the very difficult group of children .
22 There are authorities working there in conjunction with the market to make sure the animals are properly looked after .
23 It is essential that specific resources are allocated to stated priorities , and that expenditure is subsequently monitored to ensure that funds are properly spent .
24 you must ensure that , in all financial matters , you follow correct procedures so that money , property and other funds are properly safeguarded and not misappropriated .
25 An ideal utilitarian like Moore may claim to have the moral insight that promise keeping is only right or obligatory , where one can not do better or as well by breaking the promise ( taking general account of effects on human trust into account ) but he can not claim that this insight is merely into how words are properly used .
26 These packets are properly called pillows , and the lavas pillow lavas .
27 The father , for his part , must make sure that these privileges are properly passed on to him by giving him a death-bed blessing .
28 The law in most countries places clear responsibilities on dog owners to ensure that their pets are properly trained , and not a menace to other people or animals .
29 When such data are properly maintained ( now frequently on computers ) , the collections provide invaluable data banks on the nature of our changing environment .
30 Have you made proper use of initial questionnaires and will the interview be properly prepared and structured ? ( 4 ) Have you considered if and when to issue witness summons or subpeonas ? ( 5 ) Have you or your client prepared a thumbnail sketch of the witness for counsel ? ( 6 ) Have you tested the witness 's evidence as vigorously as the opposition will ?
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