Example sentences of "[noun] be known to " in BNC.

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1 Additionally , drugs widely used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis such as sulfasalazine and 5-ASA are known to be potent anti-reactive oxygen species agents .
2 Other cases are known to Amnesty International , where asylum seekers travelling without valid travel documents have been prevented by airline personnel , sometimes with the knowledge of Immigration Officers , from applying for political asylum in this country .
3 Erm , in Shropshire the M F U are known to be in favour of compulsory dips , there 's no difference between us , but if we are going down , you are going to send a re erm , er , a joint representation , then I think before you agree to send a joint representation then you need to have a meeting with M F U and C L A , to make certain that we 're all saying the same thing .
4 Abbreviations should only be used if their meanings are known to users .
5 ‘ Your kind are known to us , Doctor , and have been for longer than you can imagine . ’
6 When one or more water molecules are known to be coordinated to a central atom in a complex ion , the system for naming complex ions described above can be used .
7 After primary dispersal by a range of vertebrates in a dry-seasonal forest in Costa Rica , the fruits of F. hondurensis are known to be re-arranged by several ant species .
8 Once this has occurred , risks are known to be very high , in some cases one in four for further births .
9 Waiting lists are known to be an inaccurate indicator of need , as many doctors do not refer patients if they know the wait will be long ( this is as true for instance for hearing aids as it is for hip replacements ) .
10 Some fragments are known to nearly everyone , but not always who said them and in which play .
11 Reserves are known to be low in Sudan , and thought to be low in Ethiopia .
12 Exactly what the sea anemone gains from this relationship is not known , but crabs with anemones on their shells are known to be much less vulnerable to attack by octopuses .
13 Those characteristics were known to that keeper or were at any time known to a person who at that time had charge of the animal as that keeper 's servant or , where that keeper is the head of a household , were known to another keeper of the animal who is a member of that household and under the age of sixteen . ’
14 The sandstone rocks along its western side were known to be porous , but the engineers predicted that the pores would be blocked by silt .
15 ( It is interesting to note that freshwater pearls were known to the Chinese by the beginning of the first millennium B.C. )
16 As Clarke and Morrison discuss , their data are comparable with other studies in Fiji : such losses were known to be occurring more than 20 years ago but went unheeded in the wake of development .
17 By late July about 20 dissidents were known to be in detention , several ( including Matiba and Rubia ) under security legislation which allowed for detention without charge for up to 14 days or longer .
18 Michel Roux is known to millions of TV viewers .
19 Like Alum Pot and Gaping Gill , Malham is known to generations of " O " level , " A " level and C 5 E geography students as a superb example of limestone scenery .
20 If you are addressing an organisation or a person known only to you by their title — the Head of Business Studies , The Metal Consortium PLC the Department of Health and Social Security — then the salutation will be Dear Madam if the recipient is known to be a woman and , traditionally , Dear Sir if the sex is unknown .
21 The US motor industry is known to be sceptical over whether the timescale proposed for the new emission levels can be met .
22 Surely they only take place when the data 's known to be applicable to people . ’
23 The Ceasg is known to be dangerous and will swallow a man whole , possibly in memory of a fish-tailed god to whom human sacrifices were made .
24 Long before the sulphonamides were used as medicines , quinine was known to be a specific drug against malaria .
25 Mr Akashi insists on looking on the bright side : Khmer Rouge artillery was known to be inaccurate and their shells often failed to explode , he said .
26 The aircraft was known to the German Air Force , or Reichsluftfahrtminsterium for short , as HE 100 D , since the appellation ‘ 113 ’ was considered unlucky .
27 It was 17th October and Balliol was known to be on the move .
28 The information about the use of control groups and the healthy worker effect was known to your reporter before he spoke to me — it is common knowledge .
29 This instrument was known to Ptolemy in the second century AD , and — the underlying mathematical theory of stereographic projection can be traced back at least to Ptolemy 's great predecessor Hipparchus ( second century BC ) .
30 For his final years in office , Warwick was known to be out of favour with the king , something which must have reduced his authority within the duchy .
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