Example sentences of "[noun] be all [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One glance was all it took to realise this was one hard nut to crack — his features still completely impassive .
2 Two centuries was all it needed .
3 The result was all she intended — glamorous , enticing , unusual .
4 Peace of mind was all he could give her .
5 Once in the flat , with Brian having departed promising to see what he could do about an early appointment with Dr Shalcross , she tried to tell herself that she was feeling better , that this break was all she needed , that coming to London was the answer to any temporary difficulty .
6 Guidance was all it was .
7 £20 was all he 'd got for one beast .
8 The single , simple action was all it took to move what had once been just a concept into the final stage of action .
9 For bed a roadside ditch in the summer , a barn or hay-loft in the winter was all he sought , while for food and drink a farmer 's wife never begrudged him the plate of bread and potatoes washed down by a mug of tay .
10 Why this terrible fear that it could all go horribly wrong , that a dream was all she would ever know ?
11 The Colonel had swiftly appreciated that if he needed to describe Dr Tariq 's sense of humour the backside of a blackcurrant was all he needed , and to spare .
12 It was all he did , these days ; signing chits was all he seemed good for .
13 She got up early to muck him out and groom him and exercise him , and she babysat nearly every evening to keep him in good oats ( not Uncle Knacker 's ) and shoes , and when she saw the riders she was up against in the collecting ring , with their adoring parents and their fat cheque-books , it just made her all the more determined to beat them , because determination was all she had .
14 One week at his parents ' opulent home in Beverly Hills was all he could bear .
15 When , a long time ago now , Stephen had tried to call him Dad or Father and drop the babyish name , he had shouted that Stephen was all he had in the world and could n't he have a little bit of kindness and call him by the one name that meant something ?
16 Still , Chris Allen 's score was all it needed .
17 Her daughter 's safety was all she cared about .
18 She had told him then that her body was all she had to offer a man .
19 He had warned her that desire was all he had to offer her , and he had probably assumed that his warning had hit home .
20 Rik Mayall 's name was all it took to persuade Ate de Jong to direct the film : ‘ I knew him from his work in THE YOUNG ONES .
21 From these reports , it seems that Huntingford at least was not satisfied that Vial was all he claimed to be .
22 The silence of a cold windless night was all he heard now .
23 She had been necessary , but despised , so naturally he had discarded her the moment she was no longer necessary to him , and their single sexual collision was all it had taken to free him .
24 ‘ One quick raid into enemy territory was all it took .
25 The open road was all he knew ; he had spent forty of his fifty-five years tramping it in every kind of weather with only the fill of his pipe for company .
26 A voice was all she herself had , and she had inherited it from her mother .
27 Bald information was all it could be : the statement of a fact , far beyond parental agreement or approval .
28 The book was all he had been waiting for , and all was going according to plan .
29 The image was all she had .
30 But a show was all it had been .
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