Example sentences of "[noun] and believe that " in BNC.

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1 Anybody that could read Dispatches and believe that I did n't suffer anything , I do n't know what they 're reading .
2 Old Charlie must have had a bit of a penchant for potholing judging by the amount of time he spent in every rock crevice north of Carlisle , but I prefer to suspend my scepticism and believe that the great man did indeed peel off his powdered wig and roll out a sleeping-bag in all the places that maps and local handouts would have us believe .
3 ‘ We are looking for a new partnership with the LAS and believe that together it is possible to ensure this vital lifeline goes from being the worst in the UK to being the model service . ’
4 You believe in the hypnotist and believe that he can help you .
5 The unions hope to embarrass Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health , with tomorrow 's lobby and believe that many Tories at the conference back their call for an increased offer .
6 ‘ We are terribly concerned about safety and believe that , had this plane actually hit a village , all flights would have been stopped , ’ she said .
7 The chief executive officer and corporate management understand the critical link between design engineering and manufacturing engineering in their business and believe that effective design for quality is an essential part of the corporate business strategy .
8 Some , through their contact with the various women 's organizations , are aware of these problems and believe that change is already taking place in many very positive ways .
9 While there are those who may see this as a canny means of winning market share and believe that the participating publishers must be giving an arm and a leg in discount to obtain such control , the publishers concerned view it in less Machiavellian terms .
10 He said : ‘ In this country we tend to take our democratic rights for granted but this event gives Cleveland people a chance to make it clear they value those rights and believe that everyone in South Africa should have them too . ’
11 Looking at the evidence leads many scientists to believe that God made the world , whereas other scientists look at the same evidence and believe that it all happened by chance and that the world , the solar system , you and me are all just the result of a lucky string of enormous flukes !
12 We do not share Dr Bailey 's confidence that urinary infection is unimportant in the pathogenesis of reflux nephropathy and believe that deep tissue infection in general requires longer treatment than uncomplicated lower tract infection .
13 The first aid societies stand by their advice and believe that there is sufficient medical evidence to justify their statements in the unlikely event of a ‘ theoretical widow suing a first aider . ’
14 We at Select were appalled at the severity of the court judgement against your magazine and believe that it raises serious impediments to press freedom .
15 I agree unreservedly with the right hon. Gentleman 's comments and believe that they will be echoed throughout the country .
16 ‘ When clients have gone to a firm and believe that they have been treated badly , they tend to complain against the firm , not the engagement partner , and are surprised when the Institute tells them that they can not do so , ’ said Elwyn Eilledge , head of the working party .
17 I did not support the timetable motion and believe that my decision was right .
18 In other European countries we have worked through agents and believe that it does not make sense for us to continue to try to service all those countries when LDP has a substantial full-time sales force already in place .
19 The second reason , less plausibly , is that they regard non-shareholder groups as having legitimate claims on the company and believe that these claims should be satisfied even though a reduction in shareholder wealth is involved .
20 Pluralists deny that higher social classes monopolize power and believe that in liberal democracies the wishes of the people determine government policy .
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