Example sentences of "[noun] and gave him " in BNC.

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1 I contacted the landowner immediately after the inquest to inform him of the result and gave him three coins , one for each of his sons .
2 I opened my eyes and gave him a puzzled look .
3 His purchase of the Kemsley newspaper chain was a step in the overall process of press concentration and gave him a Fleet Street prize , The Sunday Times .
4 It was alleged by his widow that Thomas Flete , as agent of Clemens , ‘ … him feloniously slew and murdered and clove his head in four parties and gave him ten deadly wounds in his body and when he was dead they cut off one of his legs and one of his arms and his head from his body to make him sure ’ .
5 He looked back at Kim and gave him a small bow .
6 When a boy arrived at Eton he was allocated to a " classical tutor " who oversaw his work and gave him special tuition .
7 She pressed her nose to the window and gave him a wave .
8 He stared back and , blushing with confusion , she rose to her feet and gave him a little bob .
9 The grandparents completely dominated the boy and gave him high levels of attention for his difficult behaviour .
10 I unzipped the pouch round my waist and gave him the small jar of paint and the sawn-off paintbrush .
11 He did n't go to Mass , but it was said that the priests came down to him once a month and heard his confession and gave him Holy Communion .
12 She took him to the Science Museum and gave him an encyclopaedia , which explained how the internal combustion engine worked — ‘ I was intrigued immensely ’ .
13 He was buried the following day under the name of Wolfgang Gerhard , an Austrian Nazi who befriended him in Brazil and gave him his identity papers before returning to Vienna .
14 She made him take tap classes to loosen his ankles and gave him daily exercises to do under her assistant 's instruction .
15 The duchy of Lancaster affiliations of such families brought them within Gloucester 's orbit and gave him a point of contact with other duchy of York families , such as the Savilles and Wentworths .
16 The duchy of Lancaster affiliations of such families brought them within Gloucester 's orbit and gave him a point of contact with other duchy of York families , such as the Savilles and Wentworths .
17 The studio thinks Vic 's a genius and gave him as much as they could until the insurance boys dug their heels in over big-name leads falling out of a canoe and then they went down the list and found a couple of guys the industry could afford to lose .
18 She came back through the kitchen and gave him the torch .
19 Chris Renninson set Hibberd away down the right and his excellent control took him past two defenders and gave him the time and space to send over a pinpoint cross to O'Shea , who rose unchallenged to head home from close range .
20 However , he and Earl Tostig Godwinsson [ q.v. ] were robbed by brigands on their way home , and forced to return to Rome , where Nicholas reinstated Ealdred and gave him the pallium , while insisting that he give up Worcester .
21 He had not attempted to draw , Harry was aware of that even in the heat of his attack , and it enraged him past measure and gave him strength beyond normal .
22 He thanked the singer and gave him another sop , which he could ill afford .
23 Gray began singing for Baldwin after her cousin — an avid Chicago house devotee who would occasionally drag Paris out to the city 's hottest clubs — heard Baldwin was looking for a singer and gave him Gray 's number .
24 The injury temporarily blinded one eye and gave him double vision in the other , but is now no more than a bruise , said his wife .
25 I wrote to him every few days and gave him the details of everything that happened and everyone I met .
26 Having dismissed the Cabinet on Jan. 8 , the President on Jan. 21 , 1990 , reappointed the Prime Minister to his post and gave him the responsibility for bringing together a new ministerial team [ see p. 37174 ] , which was announced on Feb. 15 and sworn in on Feb. 17 [ see p. 37240 ] .
27 To choose one of many examples , I can point to the case of Nottingham-born Herol Graham , whose parents came from Jamaica and gave him no support in his sporting endeavours , at first in sprinting and then in boxing where he made his mark as a light-middleweight .
28 I sprang to attention and gave him a smart salute .
29 ‘ Anyway the woman in the bus saw his picture in this evening 's paper , told the local bobby and gave him the boy 's uncle 's address which the lad had passed on to her the previous evening .
30 The officer did not invite the defendant to express a preference for giving blood or urine but warned him of the consequences of failure to provide a specimen and gave him the opportunity to put forward any reasons why a specimen of blood could not be taken by a doctor .
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