Example sentences of "[noun] and [noun sg] all " in BNC.

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1 Pizzas , pasta , veal and steak all served with cheerful personal attention .
2 So , on a rainy Sunday in June , my husband , sister , brother-in-law and father all attempted to catch the little waif .
3 So many variables play a part — sunlight , wind , rain , snow and frost all affecting ferreting in one way or another .
4 The team effort involved in achieving that goal has been mammoth , with sales , service , administration and management all now pulling together to ensure that our customers ' needs have been met , in spite of the tremendous upheaval involved .
5 There was blood and glass all over the road .
6 Cold and dampness all around .
7 The entire effort was run like a political campaign , with the canvassers , speakers , stewards and publicity all run on tried and familiar lines .
8 With cable , floppies and paper all included , you 've everything you need to load , boot up and run — straight from the box .
9 Manslaughter and fraud all round , more or less , and rape , arson and assault sort of sprinkled through .
10 For Ashington , therefore , we can suggest the basic land uses of the medieval parish , with meadowland , arable , pasture and woodland all represented .
11 You know issues such as the credibility of God , the resources available for neighbourliness of hope and the help that is available from religious sources to overcome misery in our society , prime in our neighbourhood and apathy and indifference all round .
12 Anyway , to come back to Oxford : While editing this issue of the magazine , I was confronted every day with the contrast between the university and education all over the world .
13 This unit is separated from the fields of ridge and furrow all around the village by a break of slope or change of level of I metre ( 39 in ) or more in height .
14 Mum and Dad all right with the whelk stall ? ’ 'Profits is down , my son . ’
15 He heard electrical impulses behind a large , old-fashioned enamelled flour bin on a high shelf in the kitchen and got out the step-ladder to investigate , bringing down the bin , which hit and broke a jar of clear honey in its descent ; he ended up with a mixture of flour and honey all over himself , the fridge and the floor .
16 On the outside , the LSE II has all-wood decoration : contrasting rings of rosewood , walnut , maple and mahogany all gathered in a single band for the soundhole rosette and purflings of walnut , maple and rosewood running around the top edge .
17 As well as the traditional Christmas and New Year festivities , the Wine Festival , Flower Festival , Apple Festival and Carnival all now embrace activities to interest visitors .
18 It 's this region that produces half the country 's wealth … exporting tons of fish and timber all over the world .
19 Roman 's words were like a drug , pouring over her , evoking those helpless , hypnotic feelings of need and desire and hunger all over again .
20 This , in turn , led to the founding of antiquarian societies , the invention of archaeology , and the arrival of the neo-classical movement in art and architecture all over Europe .
21 And now we have fanatical variations of the Muslim faith breathin' hate and venom all over the Near East . ’
22 I have discovered a completeness of my mind and body so that it can work as a whole entity , instead of as a jumble of separate limbs , head and torso all working independently of one another .
23 The little one was podgy with puppy fat and a front tooth missing and a ravishing smile and hair all over the place .
24 The cereals grown would have formed the staple of the diet , with wheat , barley , oats and rye all being represented in the archaeological and historical records .
25 Marian was deep in thought but what she was thinking about she hardly knew : only that there was distance and stillness all around her and that the forest seemed to be watching her , and waiting for something to happen .
26 ‘ It was never like that before — jealousy and anger and desolation all mixed together . ’
27 They were characteristics which earned her respect and friendship all round the world as , among other things , she twice reached the semi-finals of the Australian Open , twice the quarter-finals of Wimbledon and the semi-finals of the doubles at Wimbledon with her great friend and fellow Scot , Joyce Hume .
28 In contrast to the last comment , a metallurgist , philosopher and zoologist all noted significant changes in the norms or emphases within their disciplines :
29 ‘ No , we were both flesh and blood all right . ’
30 Expected to take at least four years to achieve , these will see the creation of a wide range of specialised habitats salt marsh , sand dunes , mountain stream , moorland and wetland all with their associated tree and plant life .
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