Example sentences of "[noun] and [conj] giving " in BNC.

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1 In healthcare settings and when giving first aid there are various routine hygiene precautions which should always be followed .
2 This will greatly enhance your ability to concentrate , to meditate and to visualise — an important adjunct in self-healing and when giving healing massage .
3 This is because , in the image of the world created by capitalism , the ability to supply capital is seen as enabling production to take place and as giving a wage to workers who would otherwise starve , while in fact it is really the capitalist who depends on the worker .
4 Nomination on the basis of so-conceived merit is objected to as non-democratic ; election on the basis of popular franchise is objected to as duplicating the House of Commons and as giving to the House of Lords a much more convincing title to oppose the Commons .
5 These paints are available in a number of natural and unnatural colours and while giving the pool a good waterproof finish , are generally considered to be rather expensive to contemplate for large expanses .
6 And the following visit he made here he brought with him Miss Virginia she was one of the personnel at Stepney Causeway she was the Miss Virginia , the niece of the line and she came and she said that she would help in erm doing some organisation and and giving us some insight as to what we had to do , because we had never run a fete in all our lives !
7 No statement which you make during the interview may be given in evidence against you unless : ( a ) you are prosecuted for making a statement which is false or misleading in a material particular ; or ( b ) you are prosecuted for some other offence and when giving evidence , you make a statement which is inconsistent with a statement made during the interview .
8 Work experience , on the other hand , was seen by employers as part of the school 's discipline and as giving little information about the pupil as an individual .
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