Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] actually [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Besides , primaries used for the selection and ranking of persons proposed for inclusion in party lists would be open to much the same objections as were raised earlier in these pages against choice by the electorate at large among candidates who actually figure in those lists .
2 I presume there are people with second homes who actually have money which they 've put aside for the right property .
3 For example , while it is the professional who advises on methods of setting a baseline , it is the parents who actually observe , count and note the occurrence of the defined problem .
4 I am aware of the difficult times that other theatre companies who actually face in this moment in time and I am very grateful when I and I 've always been grateful to the Harlow Council for the funding of the Council has given to the theatre , has given to the theatre over the years .
5 Such praise from an unimpeachable source derives from Wicks being one of those High Technicians who actually know about something .
6 ‘ Well , Wales has its Max Boyces , Tom Jones , Shirley Basseys and Shakin' Stevens , but there are n't many singers who actually sing about the country , and the funny thing is that it 's taken me about thirty years to start writing about where I was brought up .
7 It is not so much that those buyers who actually consume the Qm units are having to pay the higher price Pm for them , since the higher price represents the value to them of the marginal unit bought .
8 Harry Gosling , secretary of the Lightermen and president of the NTWF , looking back some 15 years after the event , had no doubt however : " It was J.Havelock Wilson who actually set fire to the heather .
9 AS POST-DINOSAUR Jr popthrash becomes increasingly stuck in a rut of adolescent whining and indolence , it comes as a refreshing change to find a band who actually appear angry rather than mildly upset with their lot .
10 As usual , he is emphatic that the answer has nothing to do with the individuals who actually run the state .
11 Er , just a couple of announcements colleagues , if er , those delegates who actually smoke , if you 've got any Embassy cigarette coupons , could you pass them to any members of the Northern Region .
12 Perhaps er school children could be brought in when the theatre start 's during the day who actually see how the theatre runs see what theatre 's all about and they might be interested in the theatre . .
13 Erm it is a social gathering and whether people get er , er get rooked er , they get done or whether they get a bargain or whatever happens , they , they seem to enjoy it , but nevertheless it 's done according to whether you want to make money , the person owning the land wants to make a bit of money , there are a number of entrepeneurs who actually arrange and the middleman who actually goes round booking up the sites and so when you 're talking about charity a charity will get it organised for you by an entre , entrepeneur and then there 's the er the er the traders themselves , some of whom may be purely independent , some the , some may be obviously dealing with that ta erm that kind of aspect which is not exactly possibly legal .
14 Turning now to the representatives of old age who actually believe age is an automatic disqualifier , let us scrutinise the sorts of replies , among which this was typical : ‘ Capability should be the main criteria ( sic ) , but 70 years of age should be the limit . ’
15 I hope that the last part in my motion now translated it was suggesting a resolution by officers with the amendments regards was further Department of the Environment who actually prevent such a situation .
16 This means that each job is learned completely and thoroughly , but I could n't help thinking that a few musicians and/or luthiers at strategic points around the factory would n't go amiss — groundworkers who actually understand how a guitar works and who could spot problems from the playing perspective , rather than just the engineering view .
17 When you visit a club , why not ask the views of people who actually know something about the place and not some ageing promoter who only visits it once a month ?
18 erm In other areas erm of the press there are people who actually maintain equipment .
19 erm what is your attitude towards them I mean , obviously something I suppose that people who actually take p who actually go see it as being a form of en enjoyment for them .
20 The the trust has actually approached several Council 's in the area not just Harlow Council obviously but many many other Councils and I think there was only one other Council that provided some funding and that was something like two hundred and fifty pounds was offered at one time I think that 's ceased now so there is no other Council although although it 'd be interesting tonight although fifty per cent of the people who actually use this facility actually come from outside the town but there 's no funding directly or indirectly from any other Council so my knowledge would be if you exclude B P exclude General Portfolio perhaps I 'm doing other companies a disservice I ca n't think of any other major company in town that 's actually provided but Gordon can you think of .
21 Cos I think it 's important that er the the the theatre actually talks to the people who actually use the why are you saying we should n't be talking to people then ?
22 Tonight , we meet the people who actually put those programmes on the air .
23 there are n't too many people who actually go aggressive and wrestle the gunman to the ground , yeah ?
24 The people who actually make the advances in theoretical physics do n't think in the categories that the philosophers and historians of science subsequently invent for them .
25 After all , salesforce personnel are in close contact with the people who actually make up the market , and ought to have the most detailed knowledge about how it is likely to behave in the near future .
26 I 'm prepared for people who actually prepare to make comments yes I think you 've got to limit the time and make comments not particularly what people get up and speak for ten minutes I do n't think it 's fair on the people this evening who 've come along and put a question about why are n't you doing certain things I think that 's and I do n't want those people to actually come to a solution .
27 Doing away with heft commissions , not having to wait six weeks or more to be paid , and , most rewardingly , meeting the people who actually look at and buy artworks , make the inevitable disruption a small price to pay .
28 Remind them that people who actually grow vegetables usually refer to the place where they are grown as vegetable plots , or even vegetable gardens : a bit prosaic maybe but easily understood .
29 Voting floaters are the only people who actually read manifestos ; certainly , candidates never do , much less canvassers .
30 So can I take people who actually have n't spoken already I think that 's the fairest way .
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