Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] make they " in BNC.

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1 Most crucially it means identifying the population which is at ‘ risk ’ of being exposed to the noxious or infectious agent via proximity or because of certain characteristics which make them more vulnerable .
2 Verdi is never mistaken for Wagner , nor Puccini for Tchaikovsky , because their melodies have personal distinguishing characteristics which make them instantly identifiable .
3 Unfortunately the major forage grass species have complex life-cycles which make them unsuitable for some experiments .
4 These rules must have that generality and universality which make them ingredients in impartial determinations and sufficient precision and bite to be used in making genuine resolutions of disputes , for instance , over territory ; second , the extension of the role and jurisdiction of juridically sound international courts on the model of the International Court of Justice , to which there will be compulsory reference of disorder endangering disputes to be decided by the application of the relevant set of reformed international laws , and the decisions of which would be mandatory with no reservations permitted ; 4 third , the massive extension of non-coercive jural agencies in the area of enforcement where this is taken to mean the monitoring of the behaviour of states in relation to international law and the decisions of international courts .
5 For if it relates to the BBC per se then it conveniently overlooks its seedier and more questionable aspects , whilst if it relates to some imaginary institution it ignores the real pressures on institutions which make them somehow less ideal than one would desire .
6 Swindon have two features in thier play which make them popular with other teams 1 ) they try and play entertaining football from the back and 2 ) ( most importantly ) they 're shit !
7 Night Goblin and Forest Goblin shamans have special rules which make them different from other Goblin shamans .
8 There are no animal derived ingredients in any of the products which make them ideal for vegetarians and all formulations meet with BAUV standards .
9 Made in 100 per cent cotton , they have adjustable hooks and loops which make them easy to put on , an extra cotton inner pad for more absorbency , are washable and reusable .
10 He/she sits down with you and compiles a list of the situations and circumstances which make them angry ( being criticized at school , being called names , and so on ) .
11 In cases of " innocent publication " , where the defendant has not intended to criticise the plaintiff ( either because the defendant did not realise that the words would be understood to refer to the plaintiff or the defendant is unaware of special circumstances which make them defamatory ) liability may be avoided by making an " offer of amends " under s4 of the 1952 Defamation Act .
12 Some old people have ill-fitting dentures which make them change to a ‘ soft ’ diet of bread , jam , cakes , biscuits , tinned puddings , and other convenience foods which do not supply all their dietary requirements .
13 Primary qualities belong not only to observable substances such as gold , but also to the minute corpuscles which make them up .
14 They result from their real essences , the arrangement of corpuscles which make them up .
15 According to it , the properties of things are to be explained and accounted for , not in terms of real definitions of their forms , but by reference to the atoms which make them up .
16 It is suffering such fears which make them more powerful . )
17 Perhaps we need to develop groups for ‘ failures ’ , for children born with or who develop conditions which make them unable to fit labels of normality .
18 He would simply say it refers to all those aspects of things which make them beautiful considered in some , and that , if you think of that as a sort of mental object for a moment , is a very rich one .
19 More recently , industrial contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) have accumulated in the liver and kidneys of pilot whales in quantities which make them unfit for human consumption .
20 Just hold onto the idea that certain operators will possess mathematical properties which make them perfectly suited to the role of representing physical observables .
21 Figure 6.3 Many species of birds give alarm calls when they see a dangerous predator The particular bird giving the alarm call runs the risk of attracting the predator to itself , so the alarm calls have acoustic properties which make them difficult to locate .
22 This self-selection process ensures that the Community Relations Branch attracts people with enthusiasm and the necessary personal qualities which make them enjoy work with youngsters , and not one member of the Community Relations Branch we encountered in Easton and elsewhere expressed anything other than pleasure and enjoyment from working with youngsters .
23 The dubious part of the claim lies in Moore 's belief that beautiful objects with their beauty and the qualities which make them beautiful , could exist without any consciousness of them .
24 They have skills and qualities which make them highly valuable and which most organizations regard as being in short supply .
25 They have harmonic and melodic qualities which make them complete in themselves , yet they work together as a separate layer , in a kind of dialogue with the soprano melody .
26 At the same time , the three thousand five hundred tanks and three hundred and ninety thousand Iraqi troops have dug into defensive positions which make them difficult to knock out , even with the sophistication of British and United States ground attack bombers .
27 Hirszowicz summarizes the specific features of communist bureaucracies which make them a new species of bureaucratic order as follows :
28 Certain kinds of shares have features which make them economically similar to debt .
29 There are , he adds , at least four potential political uses which make them unlikely to disappear :
30 Japanese papers contain extremely long fibres which make them very strong , even in the presence of water .
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