Example sentences of "[noun] [that] [pers pn] knew " in BNC.

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1 Brucan 's reference to the benefits of abandoning the ‘ idiocy of rural life ’ was the typical presumption of a Marxist intellectual that he knew what was best for the benighted peasant .
2 Tallis was prompted by this insult into an action that she knew she would regret .
3 Though it has to be said , he wrote , and Goldberg , his eye racing down the page covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , paused to sip from the glass of fresh orange-juice at his side , wiped his forehead and went on typing , it has to be said that I have occasionally had the illusion that I knew what step to take first and even , occasionally , what step to take second , I will not talk about a third .
4 Mr Gray said the fact of the repatriations from Allied-occupied Austria in May and June 1945 was accepted , but what was at issue was Lord Aldington 's role , and the allegation that he knew that they would be killed .
5 The formalities were gone through — including , in this case , the obtaining of a marriage licence ; the bachelor of St Ethelburga 's parish made an allegation that he knew of no lawful impediment why he should not marry the girl from St Dunstan 's in the West , and it was there that they became man and wife on 21 June 1799 .
6 We were expected to follow the lessons in our Bibles , with the result that I knew my way about the Bible very competently .
7 Sartre 's character the Auto-Didact was working his way through an alphabetical subject catalogue , with the result that he knew nothing of subjects beginning with the later letters ; to learn mathematics by the route Algebra , Arithmetic , Calculus , Geometry … and on to Trigonometry would be bizarre by any conventional standard .
8 And he thought as a result that he knew about everything else as well and Brenda , he did n't .
9 I could see in his eyes that he knew .
10 Michael could see by the look in his eyes that he knew who had ordered his accident .
11 ‘ Do n't you see — ca n't you remember how it was ? ’ he asked , when everything was so indelibly imprinted on her mind that she knew she would never forget a moment of it .
12 There grew in him a wish to touch with his fingers a future that he knew was that of many others .
13 Deception was another of the subjects that they knew rather a lot about at the Foreign Office .
14 Conversation immediately broke out again , while each lady tried to recollect all the MacLeans that she knew .
15 When he did n't move or give any indication that he knew she was there at all — although he must have heard the car draw up and , unless he was deaf , the car door slam — she marched across to him .
16 The nose and beard also seemed to imply , to produce , to secrete constantly a certain kind of mind which had nothing to do with the intelligence diffused throughout the books , books that I knew so intimately , and which were permeated by a gentle and God-like wisdom . ’
17 I mean , I had Tony to go through and find key words that we knew we were going to need , you know , simple words like the , of , with , a , that sort of thing , that we knew that okay , we would n't use immediately , but we 'd look , ah there that goes there , and use it straight away .
18 I could see through slitted eyes many people who had the comfort of being three-dimensional , walking and talking words that I knew .
19 They were things that you took to enhance your experience and to make it more intense — to make your personal development became part of your life , It was a very high-minded approach and when one looks at what has happened to the drug scene today and one looks back to the prevailing attitudes at the time , one can see the absolute , total abhorrence among drug takers that I knew in those days of amphetamines , heroin , barbiturates , mandrax — all those things that had an adverse physical effect which were considered to by highly dangerous to one 's personal development and to one 's daily living .
20 So okay , in general then you 'll be quite happy to go back to a the Kuwait that you knew ?
21 Not bad , she thought with a fierce kind of glee that she knew she did n't dare to show .
22 She lay down again and resolutely set her mind on sleep , with such good effect that she knew no more until a hand on her shoulder woke her .
23 The driver may be forthcoming that his boss said words to the effect that he knew there was no insurance but the vehicle was the only one available and the journey had to be undertaken .
24 It occurred to Edward that he knew little or nothing about rook behaviour .
25 I stopped to take a photograph of one estancia that I knew belonged to a Scottish family who had lived there for five generations : even from two miles away I could hear the rhythmic clattering of the tin roof as it was lifted and dropped by the gales .
26 besides a great many sins that he knew he had done that he could not remember .
27 Eudo had replied through swollen , bloody lips that he knew nothing , so the questioners changed tack .
28 Jean 's innate strength of character saw her fight the condition that she knew to be taking over her life .
29 Dean 's parents spoke out angrily in the Mirror yesterday , after we had revealed the existence of the bug that they knew nothing about .
30 Sure enough , Marc quirked his brow and asked , ‘ You intend to stick to this story that she knew nothing of your financial prospects ? ’
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