Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] allow him " in BNC.

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1 Up in the balcony Jock Lennox applauded , and some of Rafferty 's regulars laughed as Paddy gathered the little child up in his arms as easily as his heavy vestments would allow him .
2 Dexter guessed why : Lancaster had been ruffled by her questions and the interruption would allow him to regain his composure .
3 McHale 's budget boost would allow him to pay four players £400 a week , rather than £200 , and he is confident of tempting better players to the McCain Stadium .
4 What Chaplin had needed was a clown whose loneliness , detachment , pathos , optimism , indestructibility , incorrigibility , and vulnerability would allow him to exploit all the humour and tragedy , love and violence that everyday life offered .
5 Essex , whose young players to watch are Mark Ilott and Nick Knight , defend their Britannic Assurance title hoping , as usual , that Neil Foster 's knees will allow him to remain the country 's best bowler .
6 Or someone curious to see just how far his retarded egghead act will allow him to go ?
7 He strongly implies that this loophole could allow him to resume the case after elections , in which case Andres Valenzuela could be a key witness .
8 Mr Fuller , 52 , said yesterday the move would allow him , as executive chairman , to take ‘ half a step back to focus on policy and strategy ’ at a time of market upheaval for regional brewers and pub owners .
9 And it raised the question of whether , if he plays again , Syd 's body will allow him to bowl with the same rampaging style .
10 ‘ It is totally wrong that RTE should allow him or her on the Birthday Show . ’
11 In the meantime , the slight delay would allow him to run down his quarry .
12 Mrs Elsie Morgan had travelled on the train on her honeymoon in 1920 ; Lady More recalled some of Sir Jasper 's memories ; Colonel Sykes remembered that , as a boy , the engine driver used to allow him to drive the train when he returned to school at the beginning of term ; and Mrs Lucy Hemmings had regularly tested the milk carried by the train for the Creamery .
13 Chris 's new appointment will allow him to retain his amateur status and prepare for the 1994 Commonwealth Games and the 1996 Olympics , the two main targets in his sights .
14 The other part is Jackie , to whom going round that tight course as fast as Elf 's insurance would allow him to is a mere nothing .
15 I shall be happy to give way to the hon. Member for Dunfermline , East ( Mr. Brown ) if Mr. Speaker will allow him to answer that question .
16 Mr. C 's service contract will allow him to work one day a week on non — [ ] Plc/ABC business , provided he does not work in an employment in competition with [ ] Plc or ABC or their subsidiaries .
17 Holyfield , in fact , left heavyweight boxing with far more than the sport 's historians will allow him to take from it following Friday night 's stunning defeat by Riddick Bowe .
18 But tall bushes in the front garden will allow him to work unseen .
19 The strange boy whistled , and put his arms into his pockets as far as the big coat sleeves would allow him .
20 Perhaps his former master will allow him to continue to read his papers ; or he may be permitted to read the papers of another in his own chambers with whom he is on friendly terms .
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