Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [be] raised " in BNC.

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1 Unlike Khruschev , Gorbachev had been raised after the 1917 revolution , was less concerned with ideological radicalism and more interested in the protection and strengthening of the USSR than in an active Third World policy .
2 Despite frantic last-minute appeals , only £1,634,000 had been raised by the time the offer stopped — still well short of the new lower target of £2 million .
3 The Milwukee Project broke into the national news , when S. P. Strickland implied , in the July 197 I issue of American Education , that the IQs of children in Heber 's study had been raised by 33 points .
4 Substantial doubts had been raised by the difficultly of Coleman 's having committed the crime in the short space of time for which he had no alibi on the night of the murder , and by numerous statements gathered after the trial attesting that another resident of the small town of Grundy had boasted of having committed the crime .
5 ( Such a theory involved denying the claims of James 's son , but doubts had been raised as to whether the Queen had really conceived the child , it being widely believed that the baby had been smuggled into the bed-chamber in a warming-pan . )
6 The two English ladies , they explained , had had a most regrettable , a most serious disagreement , during which voices had been raised and charges of murder , yes , murder , had been uttered .
7 She told Lord Penrose that the action had been raised some considerable time ago but negotiations were continuing .
8 At the end of the day a total of £850 had been raised .
9 Given the political feebleness of the Regency and the imprecise antiquarianism of the conservative programme , there could be no other result once the constituent issue had been raised .
10 Further , many of the decisions reached at Versailles ( CORE , p. 2 ) disappointed Americans , whose expectations of a fair peace had been raised by Wilson himself .
11 Second , the profile and responsibilities of management had been raised through the introduction of general management throughout the service .
12 Christian churches throughout Jerusalem , Israel proper and the occupied territories took the unprecedented step of closing in protest for the whole day of April 27 , and the controversy encouraged an improvement in relations between the normally conservative Greek Orthodox community and Palestinian Christians ; the Middle East International of April 27 reported that , soon after the Jews took over the hospice , a Palestinian flag had been raised on a nearby Greek Orthodox Church .
13 Within a few hours , more than £10,000 had been raised by YOU — our generous readers .
14 Her loose silk smock had been raised , while the elastic waistband of her matching trousers had been lowered a few inches so that her pale abdomen , not yet beginning to swell with the new life inside her , was ready to be smeared lightly with the gel that would facilitate the task of finding the tiny heartbeat .
15 The question had been raised in the Commons during the debates on the Bill , when Churchill indicated that the Board of Trade hoped for co-operation between labour exchanges and local education authorities ( LEAs ) in the sharing of information , and that in certain instances Juvenile Advisory Committees ( JACs ) could be established .
16 The minimum threshold for parties to win seats had been raised since the 1988 election from 1 to 1.5 per cent of the vote .
17 At the time the analysts and the client were somewhat concerned that it was not practicable to implement fully either of the FAOR technical solutions , as expectations had been raised about the final outcome before the implications of these solutions were known in any detail .
18 Henry of Grosmont , whose earldom of Lancaster had been raised to a duchy in 1351 , died of the plague on 23 March 1361 , leaving two daughters as his coheiresses .
19 There , as if a curtain had been raised on both sides of the river , suddenly were campsites , fishing and bathing .
20 This point had been raised before by intellectuals and they usually suffered for their lack of ‘ loyalty ’ .
21 Of this Miller writes , ‘ It grows naturally in the West Indies , whence the late Mr. Robert Miller sent me the seeds ’ , and it would seem likely that Ehret 's specimen had been raised at Chelsea .
22 Henry worked at the Foreign Office in London , where ambiguity had been raised to an art form .
23 Jackie Stewart also announced that the record sum of £200,000 had been raised by this year 's Jackie Stewart Celebrity Challenge .
24 The Revenue said questions had been raised about whether these assets qualified for deferral if all other conditions were met and , while it could be argued they lie outside the scope of the provisions , ‘ the better view was that they are within them ’ .
25 The Prime Minister was also questioned once again about his role in the Recruit-Cosmos scandal which had forced his resignation as Finance Minister in 1988 [ see p. 36463 ] , but about which new questions had been raised in December 1991 .
26 A platform had been raised in the square and , backed by a huge sound-system , half-a-dozen young people were giving a very energetic display of disco-dancing .
27 Controversy about this event had been raised by Count Tolstoy in a book in which he — and later many others — said it should never have been permitted to happen , for on their arrival in Russia the soldiers were massacred .
28 By the end of 1990 £50,000 had been raised from the sales of the book and donated to the ‘ Reach for the Sky ’ Appeal .
29 The senior component of what became The East Surrey Regiment under the 1881 Cardwell Reforms had been raised in Huntingdonshire in 1702 as The 31st Regiment of Foot .
30 The informed diehards were affronted , but the majority of the Conservative Members felt that the level of the occasion had been raised , and cheered appreciatively .
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