Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] sometimes [art] " in BNC.

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1 Electronic systems are very often concerned with processing weak signals and sometimes the nonlinearity involved is sufficiently slight for quite large signals to qualify as small enough for the purpose of linear analysis .
2 The progress department is sometimes part of the production department and sometimes a separate entity .
3 Corporate management appeared everywhere , with the development of joint management teams of chief officers , central policy units and sometimes a series of interlocking interdepartmental working groups to cover joint areas of work and policy .
4 If you just knit two yarns together without a plating feeder , sometimes one yarn will be on the purl side and sometimes the other .
5 This is called the general gas law or sometimes the combined gas law .
6 These are usually imitation lead or stone ornaments depicting the faces of gnomes , cherubs or sometimes the head of a lion , and are flat on one side to enable them to be fixed to a wall .
7 There is also an adult with them at all times , often a parent or sometimes a social worker .
8 In different parts of the world I have seen many gardens and sometimes the most delightful aspect has been the sounds of birds and insects that add another dimension to the colours and fragrance .
9 Yet Leicestershire also has many parishes where the village has disappeared from the landscape , leaving perhaps only the manor house or squire 's hall and sometimes a forlorn and decaying church .
10 It was the listeners up in the loggioni of whom the singers were most afraid : if the performance did not reach a sufficiently high standard in the opinion of the audience , the most vocal members of which were in the loggioni , they would be treated to il fichio , an outburst of whistling accompanied by the stamping of feet and sometimes a barrage of tomatoes or fruit .
11 If there is no wool available to them , cats with an urge to re-create the pleasures of sucking at the maternal nipple have been known to suck their own fur , sometimes their feet and sometimes the tips of their tails ; or they occasionally develop a fixation on their owner 's hair and make repeated attempts to suck on that , if they are given half a chance .
12 He was a muncher and sometimes a devourer .
13 At a certain point in the ceremony the rhythm of the weeping began to change and the tears were replaced by laughter and sometimes a kind of ecstatic , even erotic frenzy .
14 When we went ashore , the transport was not always an air-conditioned coach but sometimes a rickety taxi , a horse cab or even a farm trailer hauled by a tractor .
15 She urges the excellence and dignity of courage , a glittering idea which has dazzled mankind from age to age and animated sometimes the housebreaker and sometimes the conqueror . ’
16 Erm , it 's up to the magistrate 's clerk and sometimes the first
17 It takes skill and judgement and sometimes a compromise is not possible — you may have to choose one over the other .
18 Also , step back from engagement , never forward ; an exciting bout generates a great deal of noise and sometimes the opponent does n't hear the referee 's call to stop the bout .
19 In the agrarian south and east of the continent , the character of society was dominated by two classes of very different size : a body of wealthy landowners , still often enjoying the prestige and privilege and sometimes the legal and noble status of its feudal forebears , and a huge mass of subordinate peasants , some of whom might be freeholders , but by and large economically dependent on the landowners .
20 These include the Council Secretariat ( with a copy for onward transmission to the Presidency ) , the Chairman of the lead Committee in the European Parliament and sometimes the Chef de Cabinet of the responsible Commissioner .
21 It was Annabel 's friendship and her acceptance by the Kirkley family that really kept her in the House of Christ the Saviour , where there was no laughter except in the kitchen with Sister Cecilia and sometimes a covert smile from Sister Aloysius .
22 Occasionally the initiative comes from local sources , an enquiry or request for information about WEA provision and sometimes a keen local person will take upon himself the responsibility of calling a meeting .
23 But it comes down to , first of all , whether it 's sensible to borrow against assets , and all of us do if we 're lucky enough to own our own homes we tend to have borrowed either our first mortgage or sometimes a second against it , and we make our own judgement , and I see there are some suggestions on how the Government spotted this with regard to schools in suggesting that perhaps schools could raise money by mortgaging their school buildings , of course
24 Suits , coats , dresses , boots , shoes , bicycles , tools , furniture , companion sets , china , ornaments , pictures , stuffed parrots , music-boxes and linen were only some of the things that caught the eye and sometimes an elbow .
25 The addenda comprise — where appropriate — appendices , diagrams and tables , descriptions of equipment and method , acknowledgements and sometimes a technical abstract and a preface ( which is added just after the title page ) .
26 Goldberg provided college students with a series of articles to evaluate , and the same article sometimes bore the name of a female author and sometimes the name of a male author .
27 They tend to be alkaline , with soluble salts at the plant-soil interface and sometimes a brown mineral horizon below .
28 The coroner orders an investigation , usually including a post-mortem examination and sometimes an inquest .
29 They always had bidding for the funeral and sometimes the family would write out the the bids .
30 It takes so much of your time , 15–20 hours a week from February to October and sometimes a lot more , ’ he said .
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