Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] could no " in BNC.

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1 Though it still controlled local government , it lost some of its power of patronage and could no longer direct national policy in favour of its clientele .
2 She was a pretty , rather fleshy blonde , who revelled in the bohemian life of Montparnasse and enjoyed hanging round artists , posing for them , helping them to buy paints and cigarettes , studying intermittently at the Sorbonne until she had spent most of her inheritance and could no longer afford to pay for tuition .
3 She found , however , that once she had been formally initiated into the movement , she was expected to spend all her time with other female devotees and could no longer speak to , let alone question , the leaders ( who were all male ) .
4 The Collector watched this brief engagement in the dazzling circle of crystal but could no longer understand it .
5 Other people have spent many years in hospital and could no longer live outside it .
6 The diet of the rural poor may have deteriorated towards the end of the century because they had lost their pasturage and could no longer collect firewood or game from the common land ( Taylor 1975 ) .
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