Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] is generally " in BNC.

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1 Of the two methods it is generally agreed that ‘ write black ’ is much better at fine lines and accurate reproduction of small typeface sizes while ‘ write white ’ is best for large areas of solid black .
2 In soil geography it is generally suggested that the systems approach was formally applied by Nikiforoff ( 1959 ) although earlier he had distinguished accumulative and non-accumulative soils and so implicitly involved an open system attitude ( Nikiforoff , 1949 ) .
3 The second difference is that in the colleges advanced instruction is usually timetabled , if not a formal part of the course , whereas in universities and polytechnics it is generally neither of these .
4 Certainly in certain professions such as teaching , nursing or social work it is generally considered that a desire to serve the public is of paramount importance .
5 In the short run it is generally argued that tax cuts will simply stimulate aggregate demand and , with aggregate supply largely unaffected , will be inflationary .
6 And in the news business it is generally reckoned it could n't have gone to a nicer bloke .
7 For example it is generally accepted that , since the real-balance effect concerns the net wealth of the private sector , indebtedness arising from within the private sector should be excluded from the definition of NW .
8 Justice is not always swift , but in ways we often can not see in advance it is generally sure .
9 In acute diseases it is generally adequate to look only at the symptoms of the acute disease itself .
10 In an amplified state it is generally referred to as ‘ expanded consciousness ’ — a condition that allows us to process through our nervous system , information from the environment which during a normal state of consciousness is totally inaccessible .
11 When the loads are comparatively small in relation to the size it is generally best to concentrate the compression loads into a few compact , rod-like members and to diffuse the tensions into fabric and cords .
12 In either case it is generally seen as a last resort .
13 Usually when assessing damages in respect of non-pecuniary loss a court will award one lump sum in respect of " pain and suffering and loss of amenities " and in such cases it is generally impossible to say how much relates to " pain and suffering " and how much to " loss of amenities " .
14 To a disenchanted eye , Nash seems not quite the genius he is generally thought to have been : he was a notorious jerry-builder who pillaged and cheapened classical motifs as does the builder of the modern executive home .
15 Whereas in the West it is generally the province of the privileged , in developing countries it is often the beating heart of resistance to oppression .
16 With care it is generally possible to express most ideas clearly and accurately ; however , on occasions it may be necessary to adopt particular language or legal formulae in order to express an idea accurately .
17 Where parties use EDI it is generally desirable that the detailed contract terms , other than those concerned with price , quantity and delivery date , should not be contained in individual transaction messages , but should be contained in a separate master agreement and incorporated into individual contracts by reference .
18 Sometimes a vote results in a tie and to resolve the deadlock it is generally accepted , and often laid down in standing orders , that the Chairman has a casting vote in addition to the regular vote he may have .
19 In fact it is generally the case that the achievement of more than one independent policy objective requires the adoption of a combination of policy tools .
20 The term substantial steps is used because prior to that stage it is generally assumed that there is nothing for the offeror to disclose publicly .
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