Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] 'd make " in BNC.

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1 But she could n't just desert them , either ; for several members of the cast this play of Josh Thayer 's was the first decent break they 'd had , and she knew from dressing-room conversations just how much personal and emotional investment they 'd made in its success .
2 That they were pleased with whatever deal they 'd made for my release .
3 the minute I saw what a mess she 'd made
4 She had expected to return home with full payment for the shoes she 'd made , but it seemed the theatre people were not too quick in settling bills , a practice they shared with the gentry .
5 Lord , what a fool she 'd made of herself !
6 The home they 'd made together , and enjoyed for a year and two months , was stripped bare .
7 To have had to practically beg the man to cooperate with him , and now be faced with the God-awful mess he 'd made of it .
8 ‘ That 's cruel , ’ said Lee , holding on to Caspar with two hands through the loop he 'd made in the end of the wire .
9 Because that was the plus side — the progress she 'd made , on the slenderest of evidence .
10 Meredith leaned forwards to the chart she 'd made and ticked those items off .
11 She sewed buttons on to a white shirt she 'd made .
12 IMP had paid her generously , and she 'd hoarded the little money she 'd made on her flat once it had been sold , but it still had n't been enough to buy her somewhere to live .
13 It was the decision she 'd made on the silent journey back to the hotel , and one she intended to keep .
14 Her throat tightened on the word , as if even now she could n't quite admit it ; and she wondered how many other times she 'd made herself not hear .
15 I just wondered what progress you 'd made so far .
16 Like a robot she 'd made the calls Steve should have made and the rest of the time she had walked the city , trying to be a tourist taking in all the sights .
17 I would n't say they were lucky against Oldham , but everything ran for them today , the underside of the crossbar and the post saved Charlton on a couple of occasions and as Simpson said I think ‘ Bolder on a couple of occasions really knew nothing about the saves he 'd made , they were point blank , and he just happened to be there . ’
18 Evans laughed , the first merry sound he 'd made since his arrival .
19 There was something unique about a hospital over the Christmas period , and most years he 'd made a point of working for as much of it as he could .
20 I phoned Shirley , a friend I 'd made who ran a travel agency , and asked her to book me on the mid-day Concorde .
21 In under a minute they 'd made two sharp lefts and a squealing right , and were roaring down a back street so narrow the least miscalculation would have taken off handles , hubs and mirrors .
22 In desperation your mother gave me some home movies they 'd made over the years , and I watched a chubby five-year-old with a cheeky grin and eyes like pansies .
23 In fact , you were the first woman I 'd made love to in quite a long time , and I have n't even been interested in anyone since you were offered this job here and accepted it .
24 His words went straight to her heart , and she remembered the private wish she 'd made that day , that Nicolo would tell her he loved her .
25 Maggie scrounged what food she could , and when Sarah dipped a crust of bread in the cabbage soup she 'd made she could see the cracks in the bottom of the dish through the thin liquid .
26 It was a movement she 'd made a million times before , yet as soon as her fingers came into contact with his thick , silky hair she felt a jolt as though an electric current had shot right through her , making her start back in surprise .
27 Army uniforms they 'd made then , with a percentage of Utility clothes .
28 British Rail recently put fares up on the affected routes saying customers had to pay for the vast improvements they 'd made .
29 I said the first thing that came into my mind , but once I 'd had time to think everything through I realised what a mistake I 'd made .
30 It was one thing to realise the mistake she 'd made and quite another to rectify it .
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