Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] can see " in BNC.

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1 bluecollar gipsy I can see it in your eyes .
2 The File Manager obligingly scans the entire disk and lists all the files beginning with Q. I can see that the ones I want have been installed under D : \WINDOWS\QUOTE , and I can use the File Manager to look at them .
3 In which case I can see jealousy as one of the nastier withdrawal symptoms .
4 With no Lamb and no Gower I can see the chance for England 's batting enigma Graeme Hick to go on the senior tour , even if he has not been offered a winter retainer contract .
5 As an islander I can see something of both points of view , and I have been aware of a sense of embarrassment in some of my Faroese friends that the outside world should think of them as ‘ barbarians ’ .
6 Of course I can see now how infuriating this behaviour must have been .
7 " Of course I can see , but you can blame Leinster for that . "
8 We shall have to consider the sub judice rule in relation to what is said , but at present I can see nothing sub judice in this matter .
9 I have to dress in my sweaty , dirty clothes and go back down to the kitchen , grumbling while she makes me a coffee , and I complain about my wet boots and she gives me a fresh pair of William 's socks to wear and I put them on and drink my coffee and whine about never being allowed to spend the night and tell her how just once I 'd like to wake up here in the morning , and have a nice , civilised breakfast with her , sitting on the sunny balcony outside the bedroom windows , but she makes me sit down while she laces my boots up , then takes my coffee cup off me and sends me out the back door and says I 've got two minutes before she arms the alarm and puts the infrared lights on stand-by so I have to go back the way I came , over the estate wall and through the wood and down into the stream where I get both feet wet and cold and I fall going up the bank and get all muddy and eventually drag myself up and through the hedge , scratching my cheek and tearing my polo-neck and then trudging across the field through heavy rain and more mud and finally getting to the car and panicking when I ca n't find the car keys before remembering I put them in the button-down back pocket of the jeans for safety instead of the side pocket like I usually do , and then having to put some dead branches under the front wheels because the fucking car 's stuck and finally getting away and home and even in the street light I can see what a mess of the pale upholstery my muddy clothes have made .
10 In any case , in the harsher bathroom light I can see that I 've put it on too thickly .
11 In daylight I can see better .
12 In daylight I can see better .
13 Delft also has several fascinating museums and many old and attractive buildings and in the summer months you can see the sights without walking , simply catch the horse drawn tram or take a cruise in the canals .
14 The command you can see starts or switches to Word for Windows ( the USEEXIST makes the button switch to Word if it 's already open , and the IMAX sizes its window to leave the Power Launcher toolbar clear at the top of the screen , and icons clear at the bottom ) .
15 The result you can see for yourself . ’
16 " If you close your eyes you can see it in this room , the two of them standing there , rough kind of people .
17 Greavesey of course and at the risk of overdosing on goals you can see all the action that mattered from the First Division yesterday .
18 And on Friday you can see Lucy and then Leo and Russel come home from school and you can play with them for a couple of hours .
19 That 's Pat you can see it just there , look
20 That is just a few words in your mind you can see a person walking along .
21 Above the shops you can see the facade of Dr Doddridge 's famous Academy dating from 1740 .
22 In this well preserved late 14th Century Carthusian Monastery you can see the monks ' cells , church , stables and brew house .
23 Just as you would expect the fabulous Theme Park combined America 's colourful past , present and future in one glorious location , and those same world famous attractions you can see in California and Florida — MAIN STREET USA , FRONTIERLAND , ADVENTURELAND , FANTASYLAND , DISCOVERYLAND — will all be lovingly re-created right here in Europe .
24 With this in mind we can see that the indulgent familiarity of the maternal uncle towards his nephew matches the mother 's generous affection towards her child .
25 Under a microscope or with a side light we can see where the paint 's been lost .
26 When anger turns to violence we can see people actually withdrawing , actually pulling back , from a sense of involvement in the ideas and values that we are putting forward .
27 ‘ In fact , if we 're busy at work I can see that having to try and explain all the complexities of the London Metal Exchange to someone who knows absolutely nothing about it is going to be a real drag . ’
28 If the team adjust to this formation I can see this being OK .
29 Up in the mountain , the Bible belt was drenched and from my window I can see the river running strongly as a result .
30 That 's the first window I can see . ’
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