Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] found [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Defectors have found difficulty making contact with FBI agents , although the agency is listed in the telephone book .
2 For example Bar-Yosef and Kolodny , and Litzenberger and Ramaswamy have found dividends to be significant while Black and Scholes have found them to be without significance .
3 Other recent researchers , like Janet Holmes and Cameron , McAlinden and O'Leary have found women and men using roughly equal numbers of tags .
4 The dock worker cooperative at Southampton has proved particularly successful although coops at Barry , Greenock and Newport have found life tough in the more competitive environment of the 1990s .
5 Mutagenesis experiments with coal dust using the Ames salmonella assay have found extracts of American coal dust to be mutagenic ( and mutagenicity has a broad correlation with carcinogencity ) .
6 Calor Gas and the electricity companies have found areas with a high percentage of people ‘ employed in agriculture ’ are almost certain not to be served by mains gas .
7 Is it any coincidence that pharmaceutical companies have found medicines ( which we have to keep taking and paying for ) rather than a vaccine ( which we would only have to take once ) ?
8 Some women have acquired status as heroines ; Rosalba Carriera , Angelica Kauffmann , Rosa Bonheur , Berthe Morisot , Paula Modersohn-Becker and Käthe Kollwitz have found places in a pantheon of major talent from which there ought never to have been any question of their exclusion .
9 In this section we provide a brief history of the development of penal thought in the West to show how different combinations of penal justifications have found favour in different eras .
10 Other workers have found ras gene mutations in between 39% and 47% of colorectal cancers .
11 Messrs Franks and Mayer have found evidence to question this , though it does not disprove it .
12 In various guises , the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes and have influenced the revision of major bibliographic schemes .
13 These firms will probably be producers of light-weight , high-value goods but the existing small high-technology businesses have found problems of toxic waste disposal .
14 Christians of all nations and of every colour and race have found faith in Christ to be the centre of their lives .
15 Geologists have found water deeper than 10 kilometres , but the greatest depth at which water actively circulates is usually about a kilometre .
16 Several other studies have found evidence suggesting that oral contraceptives protect against endometriosis .
17 Increasingly , American expatriates are finding themselves returning home and , as part of the same process , many US executives have found opportunities with European and other foreign firms based in the USA who also favour the employment of nationals .
18 Researchers seeking to explain the rapid rise in deaths among Britain 's common frog have found pox virus like particles in the skins of many of the dead amphibians .
19 These theories have found applications in the fields of composites , suspensions , blood , turbulence and so on , but will not be discussed here .
20 The long-established skills on Malta have found customers in Africa , Asia and in Europe .
21 Few other people have found land ownership on a world-wide scale a subject for humour .
22 So , lesson one is that where people have found gold in the past , that is where you will find gold in the future !
23 From the Iron Age ( at least ) to the present day , people have found Kilham a good place to settle .
24 you can never , people have found pi to millions of places , and it 's still , they still do n't find a pattern where it repeats , so those are the irrationals anyway .
25 IN TWO separate investigations , astronomers have found evidence that encounters between two galaxies can turn one of them into a quasar .
26 The valleys are absolute tranquillity and it is no wonder that writers and poets have found inspiration here for many years .
27 In class societies , the elites have found compensation in art .
28 Modern scholars have found proof that from here they continued to withdraw north-eastwards , groups of them eventually making their way to the vicinity of the Tigris-Euphrates basin , the region which now constitutes the border between Syria and Iraq .
29 BOWLS : International players have found progress difficult in the Robert Hutchinson Opticians Masters tournament at Ely , where talented young players from the host club have illustrated the value of rinks knowledge , writes Donald Newby .
30 Government scientists have found pesticide residues in carrots at 10 times the maximum permitted level .
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