Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] bed " in BNC.

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1 Syl had left and Robert gone to bed and the old school friends were talking as they must have talked in their manless dormitory : my mother careful , Lili dashing .
2 Then , feeling foolish , blushing in the empty room like a self-conscious adolescent , she put on her nightdress got into bed and switched out the light .
3 If you exclude the eight hours on average spent in bed each night , then you could be spending around 65 per cent of your entire waking life in one form of sedentary position or another .
4 Studies of people kept in bed for long periods show a redistribution of calcium in the skeleton .
5 Never , in all her life , had Lydia gone to bed with anyone out of simple mechanical need and never out of the kindness of her heart .
6 The bell to announce the visiting hour had already been rung by the time they reached the hospital , and , after walking along corridors in the company of numerous people who carried flowers and parcels , they found themselves in a ward filled with beds and patients .
7 When the kitchen was clean and the children put to bed , Beth and David would go to the sitting room , where he would sit at the circular table , head bent over documents and rent books .
8 Crushed stone paths wound through beds of early spring flowers to the garden 's heart , where a fierce bronze wolf stood guard over an almost magical fountain , water cascading from its mouth into a reflecting pool with a soft , musical murmur .
9 Paul was dragged from his retreat to wash up , a little work was done , and then , as the family prepared for bed , the phone rang .
10 At the final stage , sleeping only 4.5 hours a night , problems arose with subjects complaining of falling asleep during the day , and the reductions in time allowed in bed were discontinued .
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