Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] said [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A spokesman for the British Medical Association had said that doctors were bound by the law , which prohibits the deliberate taking of human life .
2 In response to after-dinner questions at an RPR function in Orléans , Chirac had said that the immigration policies of the Socialist Party ( PS ) had led to an " overdose " , and described a hypothetical immigrant with multiple wives and 20 children , living off social security payments .
3 Gilbert Scott had said that it was ‘ on the whole , my finest church ’ , but Colonel Akroyd , who had built it as the centrepiece of his remarkable village of Akroyd , had never sufficiently endowed it .
4 Mrs McWilliams had said that at the Royal Samaritan Hospital she had told the anaesthetist about her fears because of what had happened before but he had reassured her .
5 Travis had said that his father was respected by his cousin .
6 And Letterworth had said that the deal was bogging down in that bloody stupid Olympic fracas and the Afghan mess , and that he did n't give a shit for politics , only for selling engines .
7 ‘ She 'll sort me out like a good Daily Telegraph lady , ’ Arlott had said when she first came to look after them at Alresford .
8 Fleischmann said that one of the referees had said that it was nonsense and that the reaction of this referee had made him nervous about the validity of their experiment .
9 On on er on production erm before the costs reductions had been identified , industry had said that the cost of production would actually increase , could I ask by how much it was said it would increase ?
10 Sutherland had said that he was the owner of the house and had received a phone call to say that youngsters had broken in and were vandalising it .
11 Since the Government 's own inspectors had said that half of secondary school children were being educated in substandard buildings why did he not cancel the CTC programme and use the money to repair Britain 's crumbling schools ?
12 But previous to that Linda had said that she was terrified to get Lego for the little boy .
13 The organist had said that if there was an organ , or even a piano transcription of the music , he would play it .
14 ‘ A confused sequence of events , ’ the President had said when Rostov finished .
15 Sister Ignatia had said that Flora could n't know whether she wanted to come or not until she had had a sniff of the place , seen some of the other girls .
16 I pointed out at the beginning that the Lindop committee had said that suspicions should be dealt with differently .
17 Prior to the meeting , the IWC 's scientific committee had said that the population of minke whales had now recovered to the point where renewed commercial hunting could be carried out on a sustainable basis .
18 Sorry , if I could just clarify , I was actually at the meeting of Women 's Sub , erm as was Robin in fact , and they , the Women 's Sub-Committee considered the minute of this committee , and endorsed erm , in fact , Amanda did n't write until the meeting of women 's sub , because it was being considered by them , but erm they did n't add anything substantial to what was this committee had said and they did .
19 And the old man at Pot'ma had said that self-pity was not acceptable .
20 The chargé had said that if Britain wanted Iran to help in the case of its hostages in Lebanon , then Britain would have to help locate four Iranians who had gone missing in Beirut several years earlier .
21 I phoned up put Maggie on t' phone , told her sa tell her what this bloke had said and , they said , just a minute , that they 'll get in touch wi insurance and phone us back .
22 Abul Ismail had said that she was loyal to Genoa , and it seemed this was true , whatever Carlotta had done to her .
23 Even more vigorous support came from The Building News which in a leading article on 18th February attacked the attitudes of Palmerston and Tite during the first debate , and made the incorrect comment that Hope had said that Manners was only following Stanley 's lead in choosing Scott for the Foreign Office .
24 Combined Concerns had said that after the shed ceased to be used by the railway , it had several business uses , but none proved viable .
25 Carol had said that the S.A.S. had also penetrated A area where the plutonium spheres were fashioned , walked right into the Citadel of the Establishment .
26 On Dec. 4 an announcement by Iraq 's Revolutionary Command Council had said that all 3,232 Soviet nationals would be allowed to leave Iraq .
27 Mr Portillo denied evading the question and said the Chancellor had said that the Social Security Secretary , Peter Lilley , would take the rise in VAT on fuel into account when income-related benefits are uprated next year .
28 Secretary of State for Social Services , ex parte CPAG , ( [ 1989 ] 1 All ER 1047 ) the Court of Appeal affirmed a decision of the High Court in which the trial judge had said that the practicability of such speedy decision making was not such that the Secretary of State was required to appoint sufficient adjudication officers to enable claims to be decided within 14 days , and recognized that workloads may lead to delays beyond the time limit expressed in the Social Security Act 1975 .
29 Yet the girl had said that what he did , he did with the king 's warrant , and the prince 's approval .
30 The IDA responded to the charges by pointing out that it had brought Dr McDonald in to allay local fears after a residents ' spokesperson had said that an independent medical opinion could satisfy the residents and noted that this internationally renowned expert had pronounced the factory to be entirely safe .
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