Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [conj] gave " in BNC.

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1 On and on he droned about how we should n't fear death but welcome the joys of heaven , so I picked up my two horse pistols and gave the sod both barrels .
2 The guest speaker was Mrs. J. Atkinson who demonstrated decorating Easter cakes and gave a variety of tips in the use of soft icing .
3 Any account of English book illustration would be inadequate without a tribute to Edmund Evans ( 1826–1905 ) who brought to a wonderful peak of success the revival of the art of colour printing from wood blocks and gave us the delightful colour plate books of Kate Greenaway , ’ Richard E. Doyle , Randolph Caldecott and Walter Crane .
4 Rose , in his book Do Parties Make a Difference ? , argues that " the 1974 Heath Government fulfilled at least 80% of its manifesto pledges … [ and ] the 1979 Labour Government … acted unambiguously upon 54% of its manifesto commitments and gave some evidence of action upon another 19% " .
5 He then scattered it on pub floors or gave it to friends to buy drugs .
6 The more active occupied some post offices and gave evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee , part of which is reproduced here ( Fleming , 1973 ) .
7 Nevertheless it was the great estates of absentee landowners that gave Andalusia its reputation .
8 One subject used a wide range of accident estimates but gave a risk rating of one at all 40 junctions .
9 He upstaged Eddie Murphy in Trading Places and gave Sean Connery and Harrison Ford a run for their money in Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade .
10 A rebuilding of the platforms in 1936 , improved the windscreens , fitted platform doors and gave a more streamlined indicator box .
11 I found the main control lines and gave them to Esmerelda , showing her how to hold them , and where .
12 But having put him in , he rarely consulted him on general policy issues and gave hint little role even in industrial disputes , which were still the traditional concern of the Board of Trade .
13 From the iron gates that gave on to the road the palace was visible through tall plane tress , but it was not easily accessible .
14 The Supreme Court , in a seven to one vote on Sept. 10 , declined to suspend the impeachment proceedings but gave Collor until Sept 22 to prepare his defence before the Chamber of Deputies , which had given him until Sept. 15 to address it .
15 Winston Churchill called it a ‘ tuppenny Punch & Judy show ’ ( before resigning ) because it inherited game shows that gave prizes .
16 Capitalist economic relations were established in the countryside through the ‘ enclosures ’ , where land became the private property of landowners and the rural work-force was stripped of the land-use rights that gave them an independent source of subsistence .
17 He called Directory Enquiries and gave her name .
18 Foujita , the Japanese artist , swore that the dealer bought the artists drinks and gave them a contract to sign when they were drunk .
19 The conflict bred solidarity among Arab oil states and gave a new impetus to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) , a cartel of the major non-US oil producers which had previously been rendered ineffective by internal divisions .
20 Pieces of pine from apple cases became cricket bats , tennis rackets or hockey sticks and gave them endless hours of pleasure .
21 The pre-tax figure was above City expectations and gave evidence that the bank is finally coming to grips with its bad-debt problem .
22 Does the Prime Minister recall that in 1986 he announced the closure of DHSS resettlement centres and gave a firm promise that they would not close until alternative accommodation was available ?
23 The schools supplied the team with lists of pupils in each of their below average mathematics sets and gave the order of the sets from those with the lowest attainers to those with the highest attainers .
24 He recalled : ‘ I certainly gave two very bad TV interviews that gave the impression that things were all wrong , all uptight , but that was because I felt it necessary to defend the players . ’
25 Initially agriculture production was organized by the Supplies Teams of the military camp , which either directly controlled land and , organized production teams or gave seeds and fertilizers to campesino families to work their own plots .
26 In both countries , the class relations that gave rise to nationalization have been reflected in the continuing ethos of ‘ progressive ’ public sector industrial relations and the notion of the ‘ good employer ’ , manifested in relatively good sick pay and pensions , ‘ humane ’ handling of redundancy , and so on .
27 They knew the names of certain French dishes and gave orders to Jarveys in high pitched provincial voices , which pierced through their skin-tight accents .
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