Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] negotiations [prep] " in BNC.

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1 1 ) A plea for negotiations without preconditions since preconditions would only be an obstacle in the face of such negotiations .
2 He was sent by Henry III to Rome in 1226 , 1227 , 1228 , and 1234 ; to Antwerp for negotiations with envoys of the Emperor Frederick II in 1227 ; and on several occasions to France or Wales to renew truces .
3 Bush promised that the idea would be studied carefully , and also acceded to requests for negotiations on higher quotas for Turkish textile imports to the USA and on greater US military aid .
4 The 50 passengers were released , but the hijackers held four crew members hostage for several hours during negotiations with the Djibouti authorities and Ethiopian embassy officials .
5 When in 1918 the party needed a social programme for negotiations with Lloyd George , it was to the work of the USRC that they turned ; in 1922 Griffith-Boscawen was able as Minister of Health to do some of the things he had attempted in 1912 ; much of Neville Chamberlain 's work as a reformer of the Poor Law was presaged by a USRC report of 1913 written by Hills .
6 It committed the forthcoming summit to draw up a mandate for negotiations on short-range nuclear forces .
7 Lewis and Maloney so played up their own virginal roles during negotiations for a fight with world heavyweight champion Riddick Bowe , that you wonder whether , in the words of Muhammad Ali , these boys ai n't as dumb as they look .
8 In all three jurisdictions the authorities can , and do , seek binding undertakings from firms in respect of their market conduct , and can order structural remedies ( either formally or as a result of negotiations with the firms involved ) .
9 We have received recently , from the Department of Transport , a consultation document which is the result of negotiations with the European Commission officials and which proposes certain relaxations in the proposed legislation .
10 ( This strike action was suspended late on May 27 as a result of negotiations between strike leaders and Solidarity chairman Lech Walesa . )
11 As David O'Sullivan reports from Johannesburg , the crisis comes as the A N C debates the future of negotiations with the government .
12 Effect of negotiations on Tokyo gubernatorial campaign
13 The announcement followed almost 15 months of negotiations between Brooke , the political parties and the Irish government .
14 Fourteen months of negotiations between the Philippines and the United States were concluded on July 17 when the two sides agreed upon the terms of a new treaty which allowed the US military to continue to use its huge naval base at Subic Bay for a further 10 years after the expiry of the current lease .
15 After months of negotiations between the Russian , Chilean and German authorities the former East German leader , Erich Honecker , was flown on July 29 from Moscow ( where he had lived in the Chilean embassy since December 1991 — see pp. 38687-88 ; 38782 ) to Berlin where he was imprisoned .
16 The alliance is the product of months of negotiations between the two parties , which fielded rival candidates in the regional elections last March .
17 The constitution , the product of 21 months of negotiations between representatives of Andorrans and the co-princes , maintains the principality 's unique system of co-sovereignty , but with vastly reduced powers .
18 The move follows six months of negotiations during which the City of London , which owns some of the land on which the polytechnic is built , stuck out for a rent that one expert said was three times the market value ( New Scientist , 6 January , p 7 ) .
19 Li 's visit to Indonesia on Aug. 6-11 concluded several months of negotiations on restoring diplomatic relations [ see pp. 37612-13 ] .
20 The violence had placed severe strains on the ANC 's relationship with the government over the issue of perceived police partiality towards Inkatha supporters , and had delayed the holding of negotiations on a post-apartheid constitution .
21 Paul Wolfovitz , the United States Under-Secretary of Defence , visited Turkey and northern Iraq on June 29-July 3 , when he represented the coalition in negotiations with the Turkish government .
22 In many countries this elite acts as the chief negotiator with transnational companies and therefore its members become beneficiaries from negotiations with logging contractors , purchase of agricultural estates , permission to sell agricultural inputs , purchase of agricultural inputs , and other policy measures .
23 A meeting in Brussels on Sept. 30 broke through an impasse in negotiations between the EC and Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland on association agreements with the EC .
24 Following a meeting of United States , United Kingdom and Hong Kong government officials in Washington on June 6 , the US government stated that it was to drop its opposition to negotiations between the UK and Vietnamese governments for the " involuntary repatriation " of Vietnamese boat people not considered to be genuine refugees , and to the possible establishment of an internationally managed centre in Vietnam to hold them on their return .
25 It was evident that the Vietnamese government remained extremely wary of accepting non-volunteers , fearing condemnation by the United States with whom it was currently attempting to normalize relations , but in June 1991 the USA agreed to drop its opposition to negotiations between UK and Vietnam on the question of " involuntary repatriation " .
26 EFTA 's 1990/91 budget was set at just over 29,000,000 Swiss francs ( approximately US$23,000,000 ) , with a supplementary budget of SFr3-4,000,000 in view of the secretariat 's workload on negotiations with the EC .
27 Finance ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) and European central bank governors held an informal meeting in Luxembourg on May 11 as part of negotiations on economic and monetary union ( EMU ) under way since December 1990 [ see pp. 37905-06 ] .
28 Israel had sought his release as part of negotiations for the freedom of Western hostages held in Lebanon .
29 TV payment is a vital part of negotiations over boxers ' fees .
30 Ministers discussed the progress of negotiations under way since October 1990 on an EC-GCC free trade area .
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