Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] so we " in BNC.

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1 Now , if you lie back on the cushions , I 'll just hook you up to an enhancement device so we can share the experience . ’
2 There 's a set of gamblers on a Friday night so we er fucking try to use some more it was n't
3 A couple more to show you then you can practise these when you have a bit more practice time so we can get you out to lunch on time .
4 The charge extends to an infinitesimal distance in the z direction so we shall call it a surface charge .
5 I wanted to wire the hedgehog up to some kind of heartbeat monitor so we could run out to resuscitate it if the machine stopped beeping regularly and pronounced the continuous monotone bleep of death that we all know from hospital drama .
6 Now , that would have been a W I committee day so we 've had to alter the committee to the Tuesday , so I 'm afraid they 'll be no handy craft on Tuesday the first of December .
7 ‘ Nothing takes make-up off faster than chicken grease so we had to keep them away from that , ’ continues Drexler .
8 The Mantela does n't boast a chart room so we may be a bit cramped . ’
9 ‘ There will be a Euro commissioner from the sport 's governing body present so we will all be on our toes to make sure everything goes off just right . ’
10 ‘ There will be a Euro commissioner from the sport 's governing body present so we will all be on our toes to make sure everything goes off just right . ’
11 However , each time we called she would n't answer the door although we could see the curtain move so we knew she was at home .
12 Rita is still experiencing some back trouble so we were particularly grateful to her for making the long journey from Newcastle .
13 They can do if they want or they can progress onto other rooms to get time back that way , but anyway , ca n't you ? we have er a target to meet on the programme of X percentage time and they will meet that far Wednesday afternoon so we have n't continued and shown
14 I watched you progress slowly to being able to point out words letter by letter on an alphabet board so we could communicate ; I heard you gradually learn to speak again ; and I saw you take your first steps , shaky as they were .
15 But Dominic carried a donor card so we knew it was what he wanted , ’ said his mother Janice .
16 There is a problem with the egg collection so we set off immediately .
17 ‘ We are currently looking at building a relationship with the Festival Theatre management so we have complementary programmes . ’
18 The Washington Bullseye was aborted due to unserviceable bomb doors plus compass trouble so we landed back after one hour 35 minutes .
19 We were the only state school so we were keen to do well .
20 While the DUC itself had amassed information and expertise by now to undertake this study itself , it realized that the report would have to be produced from outside the community if it was to have legitimacy or to be seen in any way as neutral : ‘ We in the Committee felt that we knew enough to write the report ourselves but we also felt that it would n't be acceptable to the County Council so we had to get somebody else to do it ’ .
21 Could you let us know the application number so we can take a look at the file ?
22 We now understand the day before another young boy af about nine saw a amn dressed exactly the same some distance away in the Sparcells estate so we can only assume that this man is lurking around in the area .
23 ‘ The Children 's Act means there has to be a certain ratio of adults to children at the play scheme so we do need people to help out .
24 Thought we 'd have a reading session so we had a reading book and we had some maths .
25 Part of that money will go into nursery and after school care so we can create an extra 25,000 places . ’
26 ‘ Now we lease rather than buy on hire purchase so we can match the payments on equipment to its lifetime and its earnings .
27 We lease rather than buy on hire purchase so we can match the payments on equipment to its lifetime and its earnings .
28 Just ring for an authorisation number so we can process your refund as quickly as possible .
29 ‘ We have a discreet filter system so we know we are dealing with only those who are really interested .
30 We had thrown grenades before and used the LRAC rocket launcher so we were accustomed to the noise and strength of high-impact explosion .
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