Example sentences of "[noun] [be] leading to " in BNC.

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1 The Government 's current policies are leading to these problems . ’
2 In the normally austere Hereford Breed , Journal , the owners of the Llandinabo herd claim foreign bulls are leading to the disintegration of the British Hereford by introducing alien blood .
3 Current advances in graptolite biostratigraphy are leading to the recognition of further subdivisions in the Ordovician and Silurian which provide an accurate calibration for parallel work on acritarchs and chitinozoa .
4 THE DESIRE for healthier lifestyles is leading to growing acceptance of alternative medicine in treating minor ailments , a report by Mintel market analysts claimed yesterday .
5 The search for Carol Clark 's killer is leading to the re-examination of the death of prostitute Diane McInally in Glasgow two years ago .
6 They gradually demonstrated more and more evidence of a defocusing of attention as the task went on , consistent with the view that although performance was not disrupted by lapses , habituation was leading to a marked drop in arousal level in these subjects .
7 Second , governments became increasingly convinced that the commitment to meet any residual losses was leading to sloppiness and a failure to minimize costs .
8 Their reform of the NHS is leading to a two-tier system far removed from the local community .
9 Radioactive and toxic pollution in the oceans off northern Russia is leading to the deaths of thousands of seals from cancer , according to Russian scientists .
10 ‘ The repeated testing is leading to problems in that animals now associate being put in a crush with being tested and one can get considerable stress in older animals .
11 The problem is particularly acute in poor rural areas such as Kwazulu and the Transkei , where fuelwood needs are leading to rapid depletion .
12 Current advances in knowledge of graptolite morphology and distribution are leading to the recognition of further subdivisions in the Ordovician and the Silurian .
13 Though he 'd never used it , the Bowl was reputedly the most accurate prophetic tool known in the worlds , and now — sitting amid his treasures , with a sense growing in him that events on Earth in the last few days were leading to some matter of moment — he brought the Bowl down from its place on the highest shelf , unwrapped it , and set it on the table .
14 A scan of the literature concerned with early Anglo-Saxon archaeology over the last 25 years has hardly reflected this change until very recently when there have been definite signs that dissatisfaction is leading to experimentation ; otherwise the Sutton Hoo harp has been played while the archaeological world burned .
15 Farmers say an increase in the badger population is leading to more cases of tuberculosis in cattle.In the past three years , cases of bovine TB have doubled in one county alone .
16 For one thing , as Jardine points out , while on the one hand the shift of wealth to the mercantile classes was leading to the break-up of the dress code , and enabling the socially mobile to appropriate , for purposes of inclusion , what were supposed to be signs of their exclusion , it was also the case that those who had ‘ arrived ’ socially often wanted to enforce the code against those who had not .
17 Their therapist expressed his satisfaction with their progress , and pointed out how their efforts were leading to a more rewarding relationship and a general sense of well-being for both of them .
18 In particular , examination fever is leading to ever more fatuous and expensive efforts to measure the immeasurable .
19 But elsewhere in public life , the breaking of the political stalemate is leading to many long overdue reforms , as of the formerly feather-bedded civil service .
20 The introduction of new federal regulations to protect ground water is leading to widespread closure of small town petrol ( " gas " ) stations in the US , according to the Environmental Protection Agency .
21 He said the erosion of Sunday opening regulations is leading to traffic increases in towns , along with noise and disturbance .
22 However , the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants warned that the immigration authorities ' ’ cold and brutal ’ treatment of asylum seekers was leading to a dangerously volatile situation .
23 Already in 1946 the highly secret talks between the British and American air chiefs were leading to agreement that bases should be built in East Anglia for the use of American bombers in the event of an emergency .
24 But he 's a rare breed and the lack of retained firefighters is leading to worrying delays for Oxfordshire 's fire service .
25 The Agriculture Departments should more actively enforce the provisions of the HLCA regulations in cases where overgrazing is leading to vegetation erosion by withholding payments above an agreed , appropriate stocking density , taking conservation advice .
26 The advent of all-electronic documents and the incorporation of active elements into these and into documents intended for paper is leading to an integration of electronic publishing and other areas of computing .
27 Obviously it is very important to train every pilot to recognise when his planning is leading to a disastrous situation , and to take action in time to avoid it .
28 The nature of these changes await further investigation but a possibility is that increased consumption of domestic items was leading to a fall in their .
29 Our shorter lines of internal communication are leading to better service ; and our co-ordinated and increased research and technology effort will lead to innovation and product improvement . ’
30 These innovations are leading to an increasing diversity in the public sector and are posing a whole set of research questions concerning their effects on local authorities and tenants .
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