Example sentences of "[noun] [be] guilty of " in BNC.

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1 It is deeply critical in particular of the exploitation of the earth which it often considers the three semitic religions are guilty of pursuing — Judaism , Christianity and Islam .
2 And , from my experience , I can only believe that in some measure , the courts are guilty of supporting the police in this attitude , for the sake of maintaining a status quo .
3 None is intended — none of us is perfect , and I too have of course been guilty of many an error in my time .
4 THE QUALITY press and television programmes are guilty of ‘ a falling away of accuracy and a sloppiness in dealing with facts and quotations ’ , the Foreign Secretary , Douglas Hurd , claimed yesterday .
5 Both sides have a point : some foxes kill lambs , poultry and game , and some foxes are guilty of no crime greater than the dispatching of mice and earthworms .
6 This outlined the basis of Leese 's claim that the Jews were guilty of ritual murder , which had led to his being charged with seditious libel in 1936 .
7 When the referee finally noticed a North Harbour infringement Hastings missed the kick , but it is inconceivable that North Harbour were guilty of offending against rugby 's laws only twice in the second-half .
8 I wonder how much JTR and his fellow Brother Brushes knew or understood of the genocide their land-owning peers were guilty of ?
9 " Where three or more persons who are present together , use or threaten unlawful violence and the conduct of them ( taken together ) is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety , each of the persons using or threatening violence is guilty of violent disorder . "
10 The prosecution must prove that the defendant is guilty of a specific offence .
11 ‘ If Wright is guilty of hitting Howells like Davis hit me , then he should be given a nine-match ban , ’ he said .
12 Although disapproval of sacred dramas continued to be vehemently expressed , as , for instance , by Gerhoh of Reichersburg ( 1039–1169 ) who , according to Kolve ( 1966 ) , warned that he who portrays the rage of Herod is guilty of the very vice he portrays ( a deep-seated objection not entirely eradicated today ) , anxiety about its blasphemous nature was dispelled as more people came to regard it as merely a ‘ game ’ rather than as a sacrilegious act .
13 Even so there are three unpardonable sins which no multiload has the right to commit , and Dragons of Flame is guilty of two of them .
14 On the facts of Roberts a person who assaults with the result that the victim tries to escape and suffers actual bodily harm is guilty of this offence , even though the accused did not foresee actual bodily harm .
15 In Albert v. Lavin it was assumed that the defendant was guilty of assaulting in the execution of his duty an off-duty policeman who was seeking to prevent a breach of the peace .
16 The defendant was guilty of malicious and unjustifiable conduct in the course of which he unintentionally struck the plaintiff with an autoscythe .
17 In Brewster ( 1979 ) 69 Cr App R 375 ( CA ) , an insurance agent was guilty of theft of the premiums because the money had to be handed over to the companies he worked for under the terms of his contract .
18 The old pals reunion at White Hart Lane … that 's Spurs v Swindon finished as it started all square … former Town favourite David Kerslake set up the Spurs goal for Jason Dozzell … and then another old County Ground hero Colin Calderwood went and gave away a penalty … it looked like a handball at first but Calderwood was guilty of pushing …
19 Similarly in Karsales ( Harrow ) Ltd v Wallis [ 1956 ] 2 All ER 266 the seller of a car was guilty of a total failure to perform where the car delivered was in such a poor condition that it was totally incapable of self-propulsion and could not properly be described as a " car " .
20 On an application for judicial review made pursuant to leave granted by Auld J. on 7 June 1991 , the applicant in the first case , Renee Joyce Calder , a barrister , sought an order of certiorari to quash the finding by the Visitors to Lincoln 's Inn on 6 March 1991 , upholding a decision of a disciplinary tribunal of the Council of the Inns of Court that the applicant was guilty of professional misconduct but varying the sentence from disbarment to one of five years ' suspension .
21 Freud was guilty of this reductionism .
22 A MAN who stuck a drill in a woman 's side was guilty of ‘ outrageous conduct ’ , a Londonderry Magistrate said yesterday .
23 Leakey said ‘ there is no question that companies are guilty of promoting and exporting these [ dangerous ] chemicals into developing countries .
24 Unfortunately , as history has shown , some of the companies are guilty of misconduct in the pursuit of such profit .
25 Friedman feels a lot of today 's rock guitarists are guilty of playing with weak attitudes …
26 Nor can the performer be guilty of an offence by aiding and abetting the director ; the ordinary principles of complicity are expressed not to apply .
27 It was held that the defendants were guilty of wilfully promoting racial hatred if they foresaw that hatred was a certain or morally certain consequence of what they were doing , even though it was not their purpose to promote hatred .
28 The court held that the Secretary of State had no jurisdiction to grant a warrant and the defendants were guilty of trespass .
29 The court held that the defendants were guilty of a breach of confidence .
30 A marriage celebrated between two persons , one of whom is at the time validly married , is in any case void ; and any person knowingly entering into such a marriage is guilty of bigamy .
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