Example sentences of "[noun] [be] little [det] " in BNC.

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1 This introductory piece was little more than an extremely abbreviated version of the February preface .
2 The first stage of the scaffolding was little more than a foot above his head .
3 No British university , in any case , is or ever has been socially exclusive , and the myth of an undergraduate Brideshead of champagne lunches set among gothic quadrangles is little more than an effect of Evelyn Waugh 's selective social recollection .
4 Twenty-four hours before , Nicola Sharpe was little more than a bloody corpse , a name , a glossy image on a television screen .
5 He had made known his personal opposition to multiparty politics , claiming that the current campaign was little more than a mass protest against the stringencies of the economic recovery plan [ see p. 37523 ] .
6 The pilot 's bum is little more than a foot off the ground and one is towered over by a Cessna 172 !
7 Thus the Sizewell inquiry is little more than an expensive public relations exercise .
8 After England 's winter successes , a Test series win in New Zealand and runners-up to Pakistan in the World Cup , the announcement was little more than a formality .
9 The stream was little more than a frozen marsh , pierced by tufts of blackened grass .
10 His nose was little more than a bloodied lump and the bruising around his left eye was so severe he could barely see out of it .
11 The reception room was little more than a hall .
12 The restoration of contemporary art is little more than a childish effort to arrest artistic expression at its moment of birth a mistaken longing for eternal youth .
13 By 1370 the king was little more than a debauched , ageing and apathetic figurehead ; the Black Prince was already mortally ill , and government was largely conducted by John of Gaunt in alliance with courtiers and the king 's mistress , Alice Perrers .
14 At the time West Ham was little more to me than a name , most directly associated with a football team that had a reputation for style and steadfast support in spite of limited success on the field .
15 Both sides , however , agreed that the use of statistical tests without a well-thought-out theory was little more than useless .
16 Yet Pomgol was little more than a conglomerate made up of other relevant state departments .
17 But the action plan was merely a listing of the planned investments and control was little more than a bureaucratic formality , because of the notion that state enterprise management was autonomous .
18 It seems , then , that the average undertaker was little more than a speculative cabinet-maker and joiner who , either by direct contact with the metalworking trades , or via such funeral houses as Richard Green 's , was able to buy in at wholesale all that was required for a funeral .
19 However , at low water , the river is little more than a trickle .
20 Because the small Brigadier they call The Ciskei Kid is little more than a puppet on a string .
21 As Rene Padilla cautions , ‘ To speak of the Kingdom of God is to speak of the purpose of God , of which the empirical church is little more than a pale reflection ’ ( Padilla 1975:43 ) .
22 Her voice was little more than a whisper .
23 Ellwood 's voice was little more than a whisper .
24 Her voice was little more than a whispery croak and she tried again .
25 He did n't move closer to her , but his voice was little more than a whisper .
26 In many ways the Council of Europe was little more than a continuation of the traditional format of cooperation , transcribed to a bigger stage , and could not itself move forward to a supranational or federalist future .
27 It must be said , however , that despite the beautiful detail of Piaget 's behavioural descriptions , his picture of the mental reorganizations underlying behavioural change was painted with a very broad brush ( by present-day standards ) ; and indeed the assimilation-accommodation model is little more than a description of what has to be explained , awaiting , what we now call , a ‘ computational model ’ .
28 In some cases a bit image is little more than a memory dump of video ram .
29 Though David Newnham , in the Guardian ( 24 July 1990 ) , calls the film " post- modernism : the movie " , Scott 's version is little more than a violent adventure story .
30 The restaurant was little more than an intelligently decorated semi-basement with space enough for a bar and a half dozen tables .
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