Example sentences of "[noun] [be] thus a " in BNC.

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1 The pollsters ' findings on the economy 's future are thus a fair measure of businessmen 's thinking — but little guide to what will actually occur .
2 The ACE/ID polymorphism is thus an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction in low-risk individuals .
3 A partnership is thus a collection of principals and agents .
4 The IATTC observer programme is thus a fairly pointless exercise , since the true data are not obtainable and violations are hushed up , proving the power of the tuna industry to silence the truth .
5 The study is thus a good survey of Austen 's portrayal of her society .
6 Appraisal is thus a process of negotiating individual targets in order to improve personal performance and so enhance the quality of educational provision .
7 The geography of the Outer Hebrides is thus a fascinating product of the interplay of physical and human factors with powerful historical undertones .
8 Miners are thus a high risk group for the development of gastric cancer and gastroscopic screening could give a significant yield of early gastric cancers .
9 The major consequence of this bureaucratic inheritance is thus an imbalance between the power of bureaucracy and the power of other political institutions , an imbalance which is believed to have serious implications for further political development .
10 Theory Z is thus an extension of Theory Y , with the participative approach to decision-making emphasised as a need for consensus , and with an emphasis on personal commitment and the humanisation of work activities .
11 St Albans is thus a planned town of late Saxon date .
12 The manifest dream that is available for recall is thus a compromise , whereby the wish-fulfilments have been disguised .
13 Postponement of marriage was thus a judicious policy and a vital element in his standard of living .
14 Introduced so hastily after the original abolition of flogging , and remaining on the statute book until judicial corporal punishment was ended as recently as 1948 , the Garotter 's Act was thus a historic landmark of reaction ; and it was quickly followed by measures to toughen prison discipline and to introduce a minimum penalty of five years of penal servitude for second offenders .
15 The struggle for national independence was thus a peculiar context where the normal sets of interests and classes appeared not to bind the leaders : the skilful adventurer could almost create his or her own outcome .
16 Independence was thus a two-way phenomenon ; local parties should be independent not only of central direction but also of individuals .
17 Post-audits are thus a means of evaluating management expertise .
18 Style borrowing is thus a telling illustration of a principle on which Halliday insists : that prominence is not only " departure from a norm " but " attainment of a norm " .
19 Socialisation is thus a process that integrates the individual into the ways and standards of the community of which he or she is a part .
20 The boundary separating these two domains is thus a function of a community 's isolation and lack of effective communication with , and control over , its surroundings .
21 Donkey Lane is thus a potentially very useful link .
22 Increased salinisation is thus a real prospect for the lower Yangtze if this project proceeds .
23 Inversion is thus a kind of ‘ turning inside out ’ effect .
24 Managing effective teams is thus a matter of achieving synergy between a variety of elements ( see Figure 5.2 ) .
25 The planner is thus a sort of agent provocateur on behalf of the consumer , working on both agency and client .
26 I respectively , to the anions and cations of solids and free them by neutralizing their charge ; water is thus a highly effective solvent .
27 Those containing tin ( in water containing sodium carbonate ) are particularly effective ; solder is thus a convenient material .
28 The catalogue as a whole is thus a document in the history of taste , a historical account , and at the same time contains some art criticism , not always explicit in evaluating the works shown .
29 Much of his leadership was thus a form of pragmatic extremism , extreme action and the threat of more extreme action to come , but used in the cause of more limited objectives .
30 Whether shifts changed in place or at the surface was thus a matter of some importance .
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