Example sentences of "[noun] [be] all the " in BNC.

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1 Still family-owned , most are closed to the public — so these photographs and vivid word profiles are all the more valuable .
2 ‘ The misery of unemployment or of repossession is all the more stark for seeing it written in a face rather than on a page .
3 The lack of any programme for changing the industry is all the more striking given the obstacles that the likes of John Davis persistently put in their way .
4 This figure is all the more staggering when put in context : it is over four times the value of all Bolivia 's other export earnings that year and about equal to the entire country 's official gross national product .
5 This disappointment was all the more galling for the fact that the prime minister and eight other cabinet ministers had been his colleagues in the UDC ; and , unmollified by nomination for the Nobel peace prize , Morel became almost as bitter a critic of the Ramsay MacDonald government as of its predecessors .
6 Help had been so close — and the disappointment was all the greater for it .
7 The result was all the more remarkable as the champion has looked vulnerable in his last two contests .
8 After such a blow to belief in the government 's honesty and in its all-seeing ability to fix things , the leap to anti-communist opposition was all the easier to make .
9 He said the tragedy was all the more desperate because the fatal blaze had been a minor one in firefighting terms .
10 And the piece was all the better for it .
11 In Lewis the effect of the decline in the inshore fishing industry was all the more dramatic because it looked for a time as if it might be averted .
12 In fact , Somerset 's next match was n't until Thursday of that week at Sheffield , so Hewett 's action was all the more sporting .
13 The responses are all the more impressive when you consider the short period for consultation on the proposals .
14 National rivalries were all the more intense and confused in these districts precisely because it was often not possible to tell who was which nationality , or where a person 's loyalties lay .
15 The gasp of delight is all the stronger for the trick played being nearer to hand .
16 In these instances the problems of balance are avoided and the emphasis becomes an awareness of matching the blocks in some way , and the need to encourage the development of relevant vocabulary is all the more pressing .
17 The question is all the more pointed now that Europe is within an ace of having its Maastricht Treaty ; the British government now seems confident of winning assent from the British Parliament ( although something could still go wrong ) while Denmark will probably vote YES in its second referendum on the issue on 15 May .
18 Lamarckism was the only morally acceptable theory of evolution , and Darwin was all the more to blame because he had concealed the fact that better mechanisms of evolution than his own had been proposed long before the Origin of Species was published .
19 This difference is all the more complete in that different rights in the same thing or place may be and usually are held by different people or different groups of people in those societies .
20 This point is all the more necessary in view of our finding that collaborative , interactive tasks kept children 's attention more effectively than solitary tasks yet solitary tasks predominated .
21 This poverty was all the worse for the general affluence around it , and until now it had been little noticed by the majority .
22 Julia was all the more dismayed , therefore , as she leant back in her chair , to hear the unmistakable tread of Canon Wheeler coming down the corridor .
23 These questions are all the more important in that the picture it paints of the real meaning of the New Testament , of Jesus ' message , and of the essential nature of Christianity , accurately reflects an understanding of the matter which is still very widespread among Christians in the present day , though usually in less sophisticated form .
24 Frederick Barbarossa 's exploits are all the more interesting in the context of the type of society into which he was born .
25 The figures are all the more startling when compared with mortgage bills of 18 months ago , when base rates hit a low of 7.5 per cent .
26 The intent of the politician was of course to create a feeling of obligation , which he undoubtedly hoped would stand him in good stead at the next election , but such feelings were all the stronger because the shrewd political manager never breathed a word about a bargain or the anticipated political return .
27 The Allegro spiritoso first movement moves along naturally , its quiet vivacity being all the better realized for being unforced .
28 He seizes him and disposes of him in the river like the previous three bodies , and finally gets his pay , the wife being all the more glad for having got rid of her repugnant husband .
29 Any work that involves ‘ waiting ’ or ‘ cab rank ’ service is all the better for the mathematics of operating a piston-powered airliner .
30 The achievement is all the more remarkable considering Clayton 's modest start .
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