Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] exactly the " in BNC.

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1 They would be competing with each other in the canopy for exactly the same sunlight , but they would all have ‘ paid ’ much smaller growing costs to get into the canopy .
2 The Government have taken a number of steps to promote the provision of affordable homes for exactly the people whom the hon. Gentleman mentions .
3 Somewhere in the middle of this continuum , an animal with an air bladder of exactly the right size neither sinks nor rises , but floats steadily in effortless equilibrium .
4 In these the concentration can be changed in situ , whereas fresh solution concentrations of exactly the same volume must be introduced for each measurement in the non dilution Cannon-Fenske .
5 We suggest that the minimum target audience would be teachers in the same neighbourhood in schools with exactly the same computer system and available software utilities .
6 the sky was a beautiful blue , the sun in just the right position for the rainbows to come out of the cleft in exactly the right position photographically .
7 The music you need one bar of music line with those blobs which are the note heads in exactly the right places .
8 This test is based on the following implications of the hypothesis : if expectations of a variable are rational , they are formed in accordance with the process determining that variable and therefore they will depend upon any set of past variables in exactly the same way as the variable itself depends upon that set of past variables .
9 For instance if you want to turn an object on a lathe erm and you go from one end of a shaft to the other , no matter , supposing you do it ten times , erm the machine will take that cut in exactly the same time .
10 However , one local authority should not receive double the amount of grant received by another only a few miles away for the provision of exactly the same level of service , which is the case at the moment .
11 She detested Topaz for exactly the same reason and her constant nagging had made Loverin 's mind up for him .
12 Moreover , the Leicester mosaics themselves can hardly be construed as the work of exactly the same group of craftsmen , because the St. Nicholas Street mosaic appears to include work of a standard below that of any in the Blackfriars mosaic ( see section 4.4 ) .
13 The Minoans , under the influence of exactly the same drug , may well have had visions of a fantastic , maze-like building , and based the design for the Labyrinth on their visions .
14 In 1623 an elderly Roman organist , Paolo Quagliati ( C. 1555–1628 ) included in his Sfera armoniosa a duetto da camera for two sopranos and violino obligato in three sections distinguished by different characters , different metres , and ( obviously ) different tempi : EX. 87(ii) is a triple-time aria of exactly the same type as those by Berti and d'India just mentioned .
15 It is extremely difficult for any practitioner to administer a test in exactly the same way on two occasions , even if the same child is being tested .
16 Upon his return to Saragossa , El Cid was treated as a hero in exactly the same way as if he had been a Moslem .
17 Lévi-Strauss ' critique of Sartre effectively takes the form of a deconstructive analysis : he begins by arguing that the Critique works by a double movement — just as , only four years later , Derrida was to suggest that the anthropologist 's own work functions in exactly the same way .
18 The cut and blown glass ornaments were still set on their mirrored shelves in exactly the same positions as when he had unwrapped them .
19 To register to vote for example , a union citizen must have been resident in Great Britain on the qualifying date of the tenth of October or fifteenth of September for Northern Ireland in exactly the same way as British or other commonwealth citizens and citizens of other member states who wish to be candidates of the elections for the European parliament must conform to the same nomination procedures as candidates have hitherto .
20 It is n't and you do n't have to stab at the keyboard so as to press both keys at exactly the same time .
21 Every move he made was duplicated by the rest of the shoal at exactly the same speed and with absolute precision .
22 Every held operation using tractors or horses inevitably causes some compaction and damage to soil structure ; it should therefore be the farmer 's aim to create the desired effect with the minimum of passes at exactly the right time .
23 Electrical stimulation of the exposed cortex in a small group of patients has been reported to disrupt production of single oral-facial movements at exactly the same electrode sites that produce speech arrest during naming of objects .
24 She liked Matilda for exactly the same reasons .
25 When I consider the mover and seconder of the Loyal Address today , I can not escape the feeling that , while the right hon. Member for Worcester was in successive Tory Governments because of his cleverness , the hon. Member for Thanet , South may have been kept out of successive Tory Governments for exactly the same reason .
26 The contractors , having racked themselves to the limit to fight off all other comers , may be forced to cut back on programme spending , to the detriment of exactly the kind of endeavours which may give delight to many but have no great appeal to the masses .
27 Far better that its messengers take it only to plants of exactly the same kind where the genes it carries will unite with eggs and form seeds .
28 And meanwhile Greece has to reckon with the fact that Turkey , on the other side of the Aegean , is planning to lure exactly the same sort of middle-class tourist with exactly the same combination of sunshine , classical ruins and mildly exotic food — and , it must be added , with lower costs and beaches many of which are less in need of de-whiffing .
29 Your caravan is like a second home so you should protect it and its contents in exactly the same way you protect your house or flat .
30 The United States had the same sort of missiles in Italy and in Turkey and , before this crisis had developed , President Kennedy had in fact ordered them er to be er er returned to the United States , these missiles had no strategic purpose at all because a major change that had come into the strategic equation was the arrival of the intercontinental ballistic missile , and it was these missiles , really , which held the strategic balance er and were to change in fact radically both international politics and global strategy over the years to come , but I 'm going to talk about that later , the point I 'm making here is that er Khrushchev claimed that the missiles were there in the event of an American assault on Cuba , they were a deterrent weapon in exactly the same way as the defensive deterrent weapons er were d were defensive er for er the United States and for the Soviet Union .
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