Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] response to " in BNC.

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1 I have heard Christians give all sorts of response to this , for some will feel that indeed a non-Christian will not attain to eternal life .
2 It epitomises many of the characteristics of good soldiering : attention to detail , speed of response to orders , and a sense of pride , and it forges a link with the traditions of the past .
3 Mr Large also proposes to set clear standards and performance measures for all the regulators — numbers of visits to regulated firms , speed of response to complaints and so on — that can be easily monitored by the SIB and by the investing public .
4 For the parents there 's gratitude for the speed of response to the disaster .
5 Meantime the Kaleida Labs Inc joint venture between IBM Corp and Apple Computer Inc in Mountain View , California has submitted its ScriptX specifications to the Interactive Multimedia Association in response to the trade group 's Multimedia Scripting Language Request for Technology .
6 Meantime the Kaleida Labs Inc joint venture between IBM Corp and Apple Computer Inc in Mountain View , California has submitted its ScriptX specifications to the Interactive Multimedia Association in response to the trade group 's Multimedia Scripting Language Request for Technology .
7 In the mass production enterprise the individual worker is dwarfed by the machinery which is experienced as producing a sense of threat and inadequacy , even though , in actuality , the machinery is only a realisation of man 's logical thinking in response to the requirements of high technical efficiency .
8 The dignified pose struck by Chauntecleer in response to Pertelote 's unsympathetic reaction to his dream , in particular the understandable offence he takes at the embarrassing suggestion that what he really needs is a good laxative , would be comic in a human character ; that the character is a bird provides an opportunity for a greater bathetic and comic deflation when the character ends his monologue by flying down from the perch to peck , chuck and " tread " his favourite hens twenty times before dawn ( 3172 – 8 ) .
9 They examined drivers ’ responses to signs similar to those used by Johansson and Rumar by measuring changes in speed in response to the sign .
10 This study shows that the motor activity of the normal human oesophagus is not limited to contraction waves in response to swallowing , but that non-deglutitive motility patterns occur in almost all normal gullets .
11 Hence , even where force is used in self-defence in response to the first use of violence the employment of a greater degree of force than that used by the attacker , or the continued use of force beyond the point where the attacker is willing or unable to continue the attack would not be seen as legitimate in law .
12 Rabbits ( and humans for that matter ) blink their eyes in response to an air puff directed towards the cornea .
13 Even if Brady were able to sell one of several players who would be allowed to leave the club in response to a reasonable offer , Celtic 's bankers might be unwilling to let them use the money for the purchase of McGinlay or anybody else .
14 March 1992 : HCIMA initiated a major research programme in response to the creation of the single European market in 1993 .
15 This study shows that in humans APGPR rapidly appears in the circulation in response to a satiating meal and does so in a biphasic manner .
16 The Wehrmacht , he later wrote , had crossed the frontier in response to the occupation of the German radio station at Gleiwitz on 31 August by ‘ a band of Polish desperadoes … .
17 It is based on the rationale that patients can be trained to increase the anal sphincter contractile capability in response to rectal distension , if a residual rectal sensation is present .
18 It was therefore concluded that gaze direction is a function both of an individual 's consistent tendency to rely on a particular half of the brain and of differential hemispheric arousal in response to specific experimental situations .
19 A similar variability in response to different rain acidities was reported by Hibbard ( 1982 ) when , of 27 crops tested , 5 were inhibited , 6 were stimulated , and 16 experienced no observable effects .
20 Although there is much to be said in favour of the notion of evolution by discrete jumps in plants , particularly through allopolyploidy involving small numbers of individuals , current orthodoxy holds that the greater part of speciation events occurs through the isolation of fragments of an initial population , the change of these fragments in response to the conditions in their isolation and , with the breakdown of isolation , the co-existence of the newly speciated populations in one locality .
21 After eradication of H pylori the median gastrin concentration in response to gastrin releasing peptide 40 pmol/kg/h in the nine duodenal ulcer patients fell to 68 ( range 23–115 ) ( p<0.02 v before eradication ) , which was similar to the value in the H pylori negative healthy volunteers .
22 The German foreign ministry , for instance , set up in 1890 a colonial department in response to the Reich 's acquisition a few years earlier of a largely valueless empire in Africa and the Pacific .
23 Although traditionally sprinkler systems have been resisted in libraries , it has been shown that modern systems , which open and close individual sprinkler heads in response to temperature rise and fall , would prevent fires developing to the point at which structural collapse would occur , and would restrict water damage to a relatively small area of stack .
24 Such a reaction was curious , as Santa Barbara biogeologist Preston Cloud reminds us , because the very rocks beneath our feet rise and fall like the ocean tides , but imperceptibly , in a twice-daily rhythm in response to the gravitational pull of the Sun and moon .
25 I am pleased to be able to let you know that our branch has sent £250 to HQ in response to its request for help in its dire financial situation .
26 Nevertheless , NCVQ is considering the accreditation of ‘ stand-alone ’ units in response to a strong demand .
27 After noting how local parties differ on major issues of expenditure , financial control , privatization , transport subsidies , rents and council house sales , they conclude that ‘ It is not surprising that the local electorate vote in response to local circumstances ’ ( Jones and Stewart , 1983 , p. 17 ) .
28 In short , James faced a concerted campaign of civil disobedience from his Anglican subjects in response to his undermining of the laws protecting the Church of England .
29 The service was organised by clergy in response to calls from local people who wanted help to cope with their grief .
30 The Ranfurly Library Service is a charity which helps combat the critical shortage of books in developing countries , by providing carefully selected consignments of books in response to urgent requests from schools , colleges , hospitals and other institutions .
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