Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] some means " in BNC.

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1 Still , to some extent , every modern economy , at least so far as ownership of some means of production or municipal enterprises or financial institutions are concerned , is a mixed economy .
2 She went on to emphasise the growing need to tackle environmental problems : ‘ It is no good proposing that we go back to some simple village life and halve our population by some means that have not yet been revealed .
3 I was reassured that the nonsense would stop , and that people would use the bikes merely to get to the base of mountains , where the walk in was prohibitive of completing the hill in a day without some means of transport .
4 Jenny , as I had already worked out , was a woman of some means and she clearly was n't bothered by the fact she was having to subsidize me .
5 The heavy costs and long delays involved in High Court litigation have led to an increasing use of some means of arbitration to resolve commercial disputes .
6 One obvious policy for the achievement of this objective is for government to stimulate aggregate demand by some means or other .
7 Is there an intention by our government through some means or another , to get this matter brought before the court so that we can have the matter er sorted out where it belongs .
8 The enforceability of collusive agreements by some means can , therefore , be taken as a necessary condition for their existence .
9 This dimension of Lacan also finds a precedent in Freud : ‘ the programme of becoming happy , which the pleasure principle imposes on us , can not be fulfilled ; yet we must not — indeed , we can not — give up our efforts to bring it nearer to fulfilment by some means or other , ( xii.271 ) .
10 In many species , if a female mates with two males , the second male by some means or other manages to fertilize many more than half the eggs .
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